kindly help me to resolve this error. I have a function inside a namespace in my header file . This is my header file
#ifndef _MATPACK_H_
#define _MATPACK_H_
#include "scene.h" // class Scene
#include "mpmatrix3d.h" // 3d matrix template classes
#include "vector.h" // vector and matrix classes
#include "mpspecfun.h" // special function prototypes
#include "mpstatistics.h" // statistics function prototypes
#include "mproots.h" // roots and minimum finding function prototypes
#include "mpphysics.h" // physics related function prototypes
#include "mpdataformat.h" // I/O data format functions
#include "mp2dplots.h" // 2D graphics functions
#include "mp3dplots.h" // 3D graphics functions
#include "mprandom.h" // random number generators
#include "mpaxis.h"
namespace MATPACK {
// differential equations
int ODE_Bulirsch (double& x, Vector& y,
void (*Function) (double x, Vector& y, Vector& f),
double xend, double& h, double hmax,
double eps_abs, double eps_rel, int max_fct,
int start, Vector* aux, int& row, double& x0);
// integration
double AdaptiveSimpson (double a, double b,
double (*funct)(double x),
double eps);
// geometry
double MpTriangleArea (double a, double b, double c, int &error);
} // namespace MATPACK
now in my program when I tried to call MpTriangleArea() I got the following error
undefined reference to `MATPACK::MpTriangleArea(double, double, double, int&)'
please help me to rectify it