thuku 0 Newbie Poster

wsup guys.I hav managed to split a string into indivudual words usin
the split function.
i have displayed the indivudual words in three textboxes.However since am developin a swahili english language translator, how do i perform a search in my database, to look out for this indivudual wordss and there correspondin translation in swahili, and display them in a textbox? My code is as shown below.but it isnt do i get to search for multiple words all at once?

Private Sub cmdTranslate_Click()
 Dim strEntry As String
 strEntry = InputBox("Enter the english sentence to split and translate to  swahili")
    sFood = Split(strEntry)  
     Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To UBound(sFood) 'assuming the sentence has 3 words
        Text1.Text = sFood(0)
        Text2.Text = sFood(1)
        Text3.Text = sFood(2)

 With rswords
    .Find "English_word like '" & Text1.Text & "'"
    .Find "English_word like '" & Text2.Text & "'"
    .Find "English_word like '" & Text3.Text & "'"
    If .EOF = Tr Then
        MsgBox "Record does not Exists"
        Call ClearControls
      Text1.Text= ![English_word] & ""
      Text4.Text= ![Swahili word] & ""
      Text2.Text= ![English_word] & ""
      Text5.Text= ![Swahili word] & ""
     Text3.Text= ![English_word] & ""
      Text6.Text= ![Swahili word] & ""
    End If
   End With
End Sub

regards thuku