I cannot figure out how you go about playing a Wav/MIDI file in a VB Program. I found one thing but it didn't work. This is a little old but the version is Visual Basic 4.0. It actually runs on Windows XP!!

What did you find? What you found DOES work but only in VB4? Are you looking for something for VB.NET ?

i want to build database application in vb.net so how can i build it

try using the sndPlaySound API

try using the sndPlaySound API

bdiamond, any chance you could use sndPlaySound in a code snippet? I'm not sure how to employ it. thanks.

here's a module I used to play sounds. I don't remember how I did it with just the .wav fiile, but I THINK you can just put the name of the file in place of loadresdata. But in this example I have my .wav files saved in my resource file with id's of 101 and 102. If your app is always going to use the same set of sounds, I think this is the easiest way, and quicker. So to play the sound I just call MySounds(101) and it plays that file. Here's the snippet from a module:

Option Explicit
Public Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib _
"winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" _
(ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
Public Const SND_ASYNC = &H1
Public Const SND_MEMORY = &H4
Public Sub MySounds(intSound As Integer)
'101 is drums sound used for startup
'102 is bop sound used for going from form to form
sndPlaySound StrConv(LoadResData(intSound, "custom"), vbUnicode) _
End Sub

bdiamond, any chance you could use sndPlaySound in a code snippet? I'm not sure how to employ it. thanks.

Hi I am extreamly new to all forms of programming... I need a little help figuring out where to put all of the dim statements... I tried the code but the evil gremlins in my computer are giving me error messages... :rolleyes:

I see this is your first post, So, Welcome To Daniweb, and I hope you enjoy the site. One favor I am going to have to ask you, right off the bat, is not to piggy or resurrect ancient threads. This thread has been dead for a year, and it's best (and proper) to start your own thread if you have a question. Thanx, and I hope to be able to be of assistance to you.

For VB4 ( Visual Basic 4 ) VB4.0 ( Visual Basic 4.0 )
To play a sound the easiest and quickest way:


Shell ("sndrec32" & " /play /close " & Text1.Text)
Replace Text1.Text with whatever your using to play a sound.

This will open sound-recorder of built into windows and play the sound then close the player once it is done.

This works, this is what I use. There may be a switch to make it stay invisible.

It is very easy to play wav/midi file using the Microsoft Multimedia Control. You can add this component to your tool box by rightcliking the toolbox.

commented: Another thread-bumping doofus with nothing but vague pattern matched pavlovian responses and a ass-full of spammy siglinks -7

how can i use the system resourse file like print a page, open a ms word file through a click on the command, or using font stored in the system?

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