I'm trying to create a *.csv file using the records stored in a table. Searching the Net, I came across a code snippet that I modified for my use. The relevant code is

If dlg.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
            csv = dlg.FileName
            tw = New StreamWriter(csv)
            Dim sql = "SELECT * FROM OTM_ORDERS"
            Dim consql As New SqlCommand
            consql.CommandText = sql
            consql.Connection = conn

            Dim datRead As SqlDataReader
            datRead = consql.ExecuteReader
            Do Until datRead.Read = False
               tw.WriteLine(datRead.GetString(0) & " , " & datRead.GetString(1) & " , " & datRead.GetString(2) & _
                " , " & datRead.GetString(3) & " , " & datRead.GetString(4) & " , " & datRead.GetString(5) & _
                " , " & datRead.GetString(6) & " , " & datRead.GetString(7))
        End If

As I understand it, a Text Writer object streams text through a StreamWriter, and the text is saved in whatever file is linked to the StreamWriter. The above code is trying to pull each column into the file by using the datRead.GetString(n) functions and place a comma between each column effectively creating a csv file.

The error I get when trying to run this code is "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.String'." The parameter is of type Int32, but it has to be a string. What am I doing wrong - or how can I attack this problem from a completely different angle?

the problem is in datRead.GetString(X) you says give me string, he (VS) replies I don't have string, I've Int32 what shall I do for you.
Check the data types in your table if you have column of Int32 use GetInt32(X) or if you've column of bit use GetBoolean(X)

Hope it solve.

Ok I'll check the table definition. I'll get back to you.

Changed the GetString(n) to GetValue(n) and it worked! It didn't like the String so I looked at the code and realized I could send the value in its current format. Thanks for the help!

Very nice, I'm happy you solved it :) you're more than welcome :)

*only for your attention*

I guess you should also check the TextFieldParser object :=)

Using MyParser As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFieldParser(filename, delimiter)
           End Using
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