I am new to this coding world. Recently I have started with Turbo C/C++. What next should I go for c# or java? Are their any online tutorials available through which I can start by myself?

Go for either one, or both. They are both good languages and there are plenty of tutorials available with a simple Google search. The Java forum here has a "Getting Started" thread stickied at the top. I didn't see one in the C# forum, but searching and asking questions should provide more than enough information to immerse yourself in.

If you're asking which is better, C# is inarguably better. There might be JVM languages like Scala or Clojure that are better than C#, though.

>What next should I go for c# or java?
Conceptually they're both largely the same. I'd recommend learning a completely different language from what you're used to, like Haskell or one of the Lisps. You'll get more out of it than learning yet another C derivative.

I am new to this coding world. Recently I have started with Turbo C/C++. What next should I go for c# or java? Are their any online tutorials available through which I can start by myself?

As you are doing C/C++, you should go for C# because your basics will be revised while learning. Moreover C# is faster to develop in (especially GUI design), has a better IDE then any of the various Java IDEs out there, can perform lower level operations (fixed statements and unsafe code). For online tutorials you can try these sites


Both these links suck horribly. On the former, you can't find anything, and it holds no promise of having anything any good for C#, and the latter is just a site that links to other sites' tutorials, without any discrimination as to the other sites' quality.

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