A.kalyani 0 Newbie Poster

My project is, i will take 128 bit plain text and i have to produce 128 bit cipher text by applying two functions in the middle.they are F and G through 16 rounds.
user enters plain text of alphabets and numbers in first textbox and he will get cipher text in numbers in second text box.16th round result is cipher text.i want to display output of each round in second text box.
my problem is i am getting output for 2 rounds only.in the last for loop of this button, i have to pass value to function F. in the first round, it is giving result. from second round,it is giving zeros for remaining rounds.

this is the code i have written.

Public Class Encryption
    Shared countf As Integer = 0
    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim ip As String
        Dim ch As Char
        Dim asci As Integer
        Dim bin As String = Nothing
        Dim n As Decimal
        Dim iplen As Integer
        Dim ip2 As String = Nothing
        Dim result As String
        Dim ch1 As Char
        Dim bin1 As String = Nothing
        Dim op(3) As Decimal
        Dim lc As Integer = 0
        Dim z(3) As Integer
        Dim k(31) As Decimal
        Dim s As String = Nothing
        Dim l(15) As Decimal
        Dim r(15) As Decimal
        Dim t As Decimal

        ip = TextBox1.Text
        'Converting of text in textbox into binary number
            For i As Integer = 0 To (TextBox1.Text.Length) - 1
                ch = ip(i)
                asci = CInt(Asc(ch))
                bin = Convert.ToString(asci, 2)
                bin1 += bin
        End Try
        'validation of bits of input text

        If bin1.Length = 129 Then
            ip2 = bin1
        ElseIf bin1.Length < 129 Then
            iplen = CInt(bin1.Length)
            ip2 = Nothing
            For i As Integer = 1 To (129 - iplen)
                ip2 = "0" + ip2
            ip2 += bin1
            MessageBox.Show("text in bits" + ip2, "bits")

                'here i m dividing total bits into 64 bit blocks 
                For i As Integer = 0 To ip2.Length - 1 Step 64
                    result = Nothing
                    For j As Integer = i To i + 63
                        ch1 = ip2(j)
                        result = result + ch1
                        ch1 = Nothing
                    'converting of each of 64 bits block to decimal number
                    n = (CDec(Convert.ToUInt64(result, 2)))
                    If lc = 0 Then
                        l(0) = Decimal.Parse(n.ToString)
                        r(0) = Decimal.Parse(n.ToString)
                    End If
                    lc = lc + 1
            End Try
            MessageBox.Show("input text by dividing 2 parts  " + l(0).ToString + " " + r(0).ToString, "Input")
        End If
            For b As Integer = 0 To 14
                t = Decimal.Parse(r(b).ToString)
                r(b + 1) = Decimal.Parse((l(b) And F(r(b))).ToString)
                l(b + 1) = Decimal.Parse(t.ToString)
        End Try
        For c As Integer = 0 To 15
            TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text + " " + l(c).ToString + " " + r(c).ToString '+ " " + l(1).ToString + " " + r(1).ToString + +" " + l(2).ToString + " " + r(2).ToString

    End Sub

    Function F(ByRef ip As Decimal) As Decimal

        Dim bin As String
        Dim n As Decimal
        Dim ip2 As String
        Dim result As String
        Dim ch As Char
        Dim num As Integer
        Dim c As Long
        Dim d As Long
        Dim c1 As Long
        Dim d1 As Long
        Dim a As Long
        Dim b As Long
        Dim f1 As Long
        Dim z(3) As Integer
        Dim s As String = Nothing
        Dim k() As Long = {2146785105, 2121609512, 2132724685, 2110962159, 1777609125, 1777484065, 1777528775, 2124059416, 2103940113, 1712236890, 1712351197, 2112959283, 1712249125, 1691240437, 915140092, 1823351197, 2145030523, 1614960196, 1695141303, 1895138305, 2093158212, 1822051116, 2113158213, 2103830027, 1416142340, 851487675, 761688697, 754031940, 2078714880, 2101806081, 1679907081, 2137483649}
        Dim l As Decimal
        Dim res As String = Nothing

        ip2 = Nothing
        bin = Nothing

        n = CDec(ip)
        bin = Binary(n)

        MessageBox.Show("in function F bin::" + bin)
        l = CDec(bin.Length)
        'checking of data coming to function f wheather it is 64 bit or not

            If l = 65 Then
                ip2 = bin
                MessageBox.Show("Binary number of input::::" + ip2)
            ElseIf l < 65 Then

                ip2 = Nothing
                For i As Integer = 1 To (65 - l)
                    ip2 = "0" + ip2
                ip2 += bin
                MessageBox.Show("Too large Numberrrrrrr")
            End If

            Dim count As Integer = 0

                For i As Integer = 0 To ip2.Length Step 32
                    result = Nothing
                    For j As Integer = i To i + 31
                        ch = ip2(j)
                        result += ch
                    num = CDec(Convert.ToUInt64(result, 2))
                    If count = 0 Then
                        c = Long.Parse(num.ToString)
                        d = Long.Parse(num.ToString)
                    End If
                    count = count + 1
            End Try
            a = (c Xor k(countf))
            b = (d Xor k(countf + 1))
            f1 = (a Xor b)
'here 32 keys will be available.in each round,2 keys should be used.i declare countf as global variable and each time function F was called,its value will be incremented by 2.so in each round corresponding keys only will be used

            c1 = ((G((G((G(f1) + a) Mod 2147483648)) + (G(f1)) Mod 2147483648)) + (G((G(f1) + a) Mod 2147483648)) Mod 2147483648)
            MessageBox.Show("c1=" + (c1.ToString))

            d1 = G((G(((((c Xor k(countf)) Xor (d Xor k(countf + 1)))) + (c Xor k(countf)) Mod 2147483648)) + (G((c Xor k(countf)) Xor (d Xor k(countf + 1))))) Mod 2147483648)
            MessageBox.Show("d1=" + (d1.ToString))

        End Try
        countf = countf + 2

        res = (Binary(CDec(c1))) + Binary(CDec(d1))
        Dim ret As Decimal = Decimal.Parse((Convert.ToUInt64(res, 2)).ToString)
        Return ret
    End Function

    Function G(ByRef n1 As Decimal) As Decimal

        Dim bin As String
        Dim n As Decimal
        Dim ip2 As String
        Dim iplen As Integer
        Dim result As String
        Dim ch As Char
        Dim num As Integer
        Dim x(3) As Decimal
        Dim l As Integer = 0
        Dim z(3) As Decimal
        Dim resG As String = Nothing
        Dim m() As Decimal = {252, 243, 207, 63}
        Dim s1() As Decimal = {169, 133, 214, 211, 84, 29, 172, 37, 93, 67, 24, 30, 81, 252, 202, 99, 40, 68, 32, 157, 224, 226, 200, 23, 165, 143, 3, 123, 187, 19, 210, 238, 112, 140, 63, 168, 50, 221, 246, 116, 236, 149, 11, 87, 92, 91, 189, 1, 36, 28, 115, 152, 16, 204, 242, 217, 44, 231, 114, 131, 155, 209, 134, 201, 96, 80, 163, 235, 13, 182, 158, 79, 183, 90, 198, 120, 166, 18, 175, 213, 97, 195, 180, 65, 82, 125, 141, 8, 31, 153, 0, 25, 4, 83, 247, 225, 253, 118, 47, 39, 176, 139, 14, 171, 162, 110, 147, 77, 105, 124, 9, 10, 191, 239, 243, 197, 135, 20, 254, 100, 222, 46, 75, 26, 6, 33, 107, 102, 2, 245, 146, 138, 12, 179, 126, 208, 122, 71, 150, 229, 38, 128, 173, 223, 161, 48, 55, 174, 54, 21, 34, 56, 244, 167, 69, 76, 129, 233, 132, 151, 53, 203, 206, 60, 113, 17, 199, 137, 117, 251, 218, 248, 148, 89, 130, 196, 255, 73, 57, 103, 192, 207, 215, 184, 15, 142, 66, 35, 145, 108, 219, 164, 52, 241, 72, 194, 111, 61, 45, 64, 190, 62, 188, 193, 170, 186, 78, 85, 59, 220, 104, 127, 156, 216, 74, 86, 119, 160, 237, 70, 181, 43, 101, 250, 227, 185, 177, 159, 94, 249, 230, 178, 49, 234, 109, 95, 228, 240, 205, 136, 22, 58, 88, 212, 98, 41, 7, 51, 232, 27, 5, 121, 144, 106, 42, 154}
        Dim s2() As Decimal = {56, 232, 45, 166, 207, 222, 179, 184, 175, 96, 85, 199, 68, 111, 107, 91, 195, 98, 51, 181, 41, 160, 226, 167, 211, 145, 17, 6, 28, 188, 54, 75, 239, 136, 108, 168, 23, 196, 22, 244, 194, 69, 225, 214, 63, 61, 142, 152, 40, 78, 246, 62, 165, 249, 13, 223, 216, 43, 102, 122, 39, 47, 241, 114, 66, 212, 65, 192, 115, 103, 172, 139, 247, 173, 128, 31, 202, 44, 170, 52, 210, 11, 238, 233, 93, 148, 24, 248, 87, 174, 8, 197, 19, 205, 134, 185, 255, 125, 193, 49, 245, 138, 106, 177, 209, 32, 215, 2, 34, 4, 104, 113, 7, 219, 157, 153, 97, 190, 230, 89, 221, 81, 144, 220, 154, 163, 171, 208, 129, 15, 71, 26, 227, 236, 141, 191, 150, 123, 92, 162, 161, 99, 35, 77, 200, 158, 156, 58, 12, 46, 186, 110, 159, 90, 242, 146, 243, 73, 120, 204, 21, 251, 112, 117, 127, 53, 16, 3, 100, 109, 198, 116, 213, 180, 234, 9, 118, 25, 254, 64, 18, 224, 189, 5, 250, 1, 240, 42, 94, 169, 86, 67, 133, 20, 137, 155, 176, 229, 72, 121, 151, 252, 30, 130, 33, 140, 27, 95, 119, 84, 178, 29, 37, 79, 0, 70, 237, 88, 82, 235, 126, 218, 201, 253, 48, 149, 101, 60, 182, 228, 187, 124, 14, 80, 57, 38, 50, 132, 105, 147, 55, 231, 36, 164, 203, 83, 10, 135, 217, 76, 131, 143, 206, 59, 74, 183}

        ip2 = Nothing
        bin = Nothing

            n = n1
            bin = Binary(CDec(n1))
        End Try

            If bin.Length = 32 Then
                ip2 = bin
            ElseIf bin.Length < 32 Then
                iplen = CInt(bin.Length)
                ip2 = Nothing
                For i As Integer = 1 To (32 - iplen)
                    ip2 = "0" + ip2
                ip2 += bin
                MsgBox("Number is Too large", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Info")
            End If
        End Try

            For i As Integer = 0 To ip2.Length - 1 Step 8
                result = Nothing
                For j As Integer = i To i + 7
                    ch = ip2(j)
                    result += ch
                num = CInt(Convert.ToInt32(result, 2))
                x(l) = Decimal.Parse(num.ToString)
                l = l + 1
        End Try

        z(0) = CDec(s1(x(0)) And m(0) Xor s2(x(1) And m(1)) Xor s1(x(2) And m(2)) Xor s2(x(3) And m(3)))

        z(1) = CDec(s1(x(0)) And m(1) Xor s2(x(1) And m(2)) Xor s1(x(2) And m(3)) Xor s2(x(3) And m(0)))

        z(2) = CDec(s1(x(0)) And m(2) Xor s2(x(1) And m(3)) Xor s1(x(2) And m(0)) Xor s2(x(3) And m(1)))

        z(3) = CDec(s1(x(0)) And m(3) Xor s2(x(1) And m(0)) Xor s1(x(2) And m(1)) Xor s2(x(3) And m(2)))
        resG = Binary(CDec(z(0))) + Binary(CDec(z(1))) + Binary(CDec(z(2))) + Binary(CDec(z(3)))

        Dim Glng As Decimal = Decimal.Parse((Convert.ToInt32(resG, 2)).ToString)
        Return Glng

    End Function
    Function Binary(ByVal Num As Decimal) As String

        Binary = ""
                Binary = IIf(Num / 2 <> Int(Num / 2), 1, 0) & Binary
                Num = Int(Num / 2)
            Loop Until Num = 0
        End Try
        Return Binary
    End Function

    Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
        Dim ip As String
        Dim ch As Char
        Dim asci As Integer
        Dim bin As String
        Dim bin1 As String = Nothing
        Dim l As Integer = 0
        ip = TextBox1.Text

            For i As Integer = 0 To (TextBox1.Text.Length) - 1
                ch = ip(i)
                asci = CInt(Asc(ch))
                bin = Convert.ToString(asci, 2)
                bin1 += bin.ToString
        End Try
            l = CInt(bin1.Length)
            If l > 128 Then
                MessageBox.Show("Too Large Text", "Info")
            End If
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
    End Sub
End Class