I'd like to ask for some help. I have the following code:

private void Combobox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            runstylize(lCombobox1, leftborderstyle, "left");

 public void getborderstyle(ComboBox x, string y, string z)
            y = z+"-was set to:" + x.SelectedItem.ToString() ;

My question is: why is the string "leftborderstyle" (which become y in my logic) hasn't got any value after the proccess? It is a public string, defined in the initializecomponent section. What should I do to set y's value to it?

Thanks in advance!

Hello, konczuras. I think that this article will help you to make out with using reference and value types and ways of passing them into methods:Passing Parameters

Try passing the string by reference. In this case, just do this:

private void Combobox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            runstylize(lCombobox1, ref leftborderstyle, "left");

 public void getborderstyle(ComboBox x, ref string y, string z)
            y = z+"-was set to:" + x.SelectedItem.ToString() ;
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