Hello all! I have yet another question.
Since I'm making good progress in learning C# I'd like to learn some new stuff that I have been putting off and to clean up my code.
As such it seemed like a good idea to try and create a frontend for a program, in the way that you start the program, are presented with a bunch of buttons, and when you press one of the buttons it runs a specific file of code.
In a live example:
I would like to create a general calculationsprogram. It can calculate your BMI, from metric to imperial, between hexadecimal/binairy/decimal, stuff like that. When the program is run it greets you with a little choicescreen asking you what you want to calculate and stuff. For example: you press the BMI button and it hides the welcomescreen and loads the BMI part of the program.
No I'm not sure if I can use a class to load something like that. I would also like to split the program up in parts, so the BMI part has its own sourcefile.
Am I making any sense? :P
Anybody have any ideas? Questions are good too of course!
Thanks for reading!