The problem is A voltage source supplies a load through a resistor. The
voltage source has a rating of 1000 volts and a power rating
of 10000 watts. The resistor is 5 ohms with a power ratings
of 118.975 watts. The resistance of the load may vary
randomly between 200 and 600 ohms. Using 100000 samples
calculate the following:
1-number of times the power rating of the resistor is exceeded
2-average power delivered by source
3-maximum power delivered by source
4-minimum power delivered by source
The output of the program should consist of 4 numbers,
each number being output on a separate line in the order
listed above. The numbers should be output with a precision
of 2. The seed is 259.
Ok im not sure where to plug in the value given but im pretty sure I got the code set up right
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
double a,b,exceded, limit,average, max, min, powerRating, powerDelivered, power;
exceded = 0;
average = 0;
max = 0;
min = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
a = powerRating; //calculated with (rnd*400) + 200 as resistance)
if (a > limit)
b = powerDelivered;
average += b;
if (b > max)
max = b;
if (b < min)
min = b;
average = average / 100000;
cout << "# of times the power rating of the resistor is exceeded:"<<exceded ;
cout <<"Average power:"<<power;
cout <<"Maximum power:"<<max;
cout <<"Minimum power:"<<min;