I have the following class called Advanced Account, which inheritis from MobileAccount. The
constructor for advanced account is defined below.
AdvancedAccount::AdvancedAccount(MobileNumber & rnum, string & rname) :MobileAccount(rnum,rname) {
I then also have the following overloaded operator described below which makes
AdvancedAccount& AdvancedAccount:perator= (const AdvancedAccount& raa) {
return *this;
The line in the overloaded method is the problem that I have. Ya see I want the MobileAccount LHS (this)
to be equal to the MobileAccount RHS. So to do this I wanna call the overloaded equals operator in the MobileAccount class. Thing is I dont know how to express this. Can someone help me with the line that I`ve
commented to show me how to write it properly.
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