Please help. I developed a programme in vb6. It refuses to open on Vista. I do not experience any problems with XP.
Thank you

Try right clicking the .exe and choosing run as administrator, does that work?

Be more specific about the problem.

Does it run in compatibility mode?

I developed a programme in vb6. It refuses to open on Vista. I do not experience any problems with XP.

Like he said, be specific.

But check your installation paths. Do not add any of your files to the system path: e.g. c:\windows\ ..........

Finally, Microsoft is becoming wise and not allowing programs to install files in the system directories. Put them in the Program Files folder or in the Application Data folder: %APPDATA%

Also, does the system you are testing on have UAC enabled or disabled?

good day

thank you very much for your reply. currently my software runs from a disk (cd). i use autorun to open the package.
thx again

Like he said, be specific.

But check your installation paths. Do not add any of your files to the system path: e.g. c:\windows\ ..........

Finally, Microsoft is becoming wise and not allowing programs to install files in the system directories. Put them in the Program Files folder or in the Application Data folder: %APPDATA%

That hasnt answered any of my questions, until you do so, we cant fix your problem.

my software runs from a disk (cd). i use autorun to open the package.
thx again

Here's a couple of questions for adamsn. But in the mean time, I am tapping into the cosmic spirit and trying to pick up your vibes. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Shucks, no results yet. Hmmmm.
Well, here's a few questions:
1. Are you running a setup package with the Package and Deployment Wizard?
2. Are you using the Microsoft Windows Installer 1.X?
3. Are you just running a compiled executable on the CD without any installation program?


answers to your questions:
1. Are you running a setup package with the Package and Deployment Wizard?
2. Are you using the Microsoft Windows Installer 1.X?
3. Are you just running a compiled executable on the CD without any installation program?
1. i am using the package and deployment wizard of vb6 to complie program.
2. no. I am currently testing Nullsoft installation software to install. no results on Vista yet, works perfectly on XP.
3. yes.

i will be trying Microsift Installer as well.

i believe i'll get results be end of the week. will let you know of solution.

ta again


Here's a couple of questions for adamsn. But in the mean time, I am tapping into the cosmic spirit and trying to pick up your vibes. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Shucks, no results yet. Hmmmm.
Well, here's a few questions:


i disabled the UAC in the user account and installed the software. it is running perfectly.

ta again


answers to your questions:
1. Are you running a setup package with the Package and Deployment Wizard?
2. Are you using the Microsoft Windows Installer 1.X?
3. Are you just running a compiled executable on the CD without any installation program?


i disabled UAC and it works perfectly. ta very much. (ta is a Afrikaans shortened version for Thank you)


Also, does the system you are testing on have UAC enabled or disabled?

(ta is a Afrikaans shortened version for Thank you)

Yeah people in the north of england use the phrase too

i disabled the UAC in the user account and installed the software. it is running perfectly.

The whole point of the recent upgrades for Vista was security for the operating system. Windows has been behind the times since Windows 95 because of allowing programs to install their files in system directories. And there has been a rash of security problems associated with a poorly designed operating system that allowed programs to install files that could potentially harm the operating system.

There should be no reason why your program should not run when you follow the proper guidelines for installation paths.

Install your program files in the program files folder. Install any user data in the %APPDATA% folder or the COMMON APPDATA folder. And if you compile any of your own ActiveX controls, do not place them in the Windows System folder. A good place to put them would be the Program Files\My App\system folder.

Sure, your program will run. But I would suggest putting in the extra effort and find the real reason why your program is not running and upgrade your installation process so that your program follows the upgraded security procedures built into Vista.

People criticize Vista. But I think a lot of that is based upon ignorance of the faults in the previous operating systems.

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