hi guys,

i m new to vc++ and i have a task assigned to use the lzo algorithm in my project so i downloaded its full source code of version 1.08 from the http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo

now when i m opening its sample.c file (which is a example file in the example directiory) in vc++ in a new project and including all header files and sub header files in my project then i m getting linker error i found out some solution of it fromt the code where i have to first make a lib file of the code so i created a lib file with the batch file which was given in the source code then in included the lib file to my project but now it is saying that documents.obj not found as a linker error.....
in fact no such file is downloaded in this pack....

so plz anyone can do me a favour to make this source code a vc++ simple working project so i can use it in my projcet i m in great need and your help will be much appreciated.....

thanking you in advance....

Most of the good opensource codebases come with readme on how to build and link , just follow it religiously and then post more specific question if it fails.

Most of the good opensource codebases come with readme on how to build and link , just follow it religiously and then post more specific question if it fails.

my friend i have read the readme file which comes with this and i have followed the instructions also so i was able to make the lib file but still when i m linking the lib file with my project and after that it gives me and error documents.obj file not found and infact there is no file named documents in it so i m not knowing .... how to do it ..............

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