kid icarus 0 Newbie Poster

I had to implement a priority queue using binary heaps, which I think I have gotten completed, except for one method. We have implement a delete(Anytype X) method which deletes the object x from the priority queue. (It should return false if x is not in the priority queue, and true otherwise.) Apparently we are supposed to used hash tables to do this, specifically modifying the one found here but we haven't learned about hashing yet, and I am completely at a loss as to how to do it.

Here is my code for the rest of the priority queue though:

public class BinaryHeap<AnyType extends Comparable<? super AnyType>>
* Construct the binary heap.
public BinaryHeap( )

* Construct the binary heap.
* @param capacity the capacity of the binary heap.
public BinaryHeap( int capacity )
currentSize = 0;
array = (AnyType[]) new Comparable[ capacity + 1 ];

* Construct the binary heap given an array of items.
public BinaryHeap( AnyType [ ] items )
currentSize = items.length;
array = (AnyType[]) new Comparable[ ( currentSize + 2 ) * 11 / 10 ];

int i = 1;
for( AnyType item : items )
array[ i++ ] = item;
buildHeap( );

* Insert into the priority queue, maintaining heap order.
* Duplicates are allowed.
* @param x the item to insert.
public void insert( AnyType x )
if( currentSize == array.length - 1 )
enlargeArray( array.length * 2 + 1 );

// Percolate up
int hole = ++currentSize;
for( ; hole > 1 && x.compareTo( array[ hole / 2 ] ) < 0; hole /= 2 )
array[ hole ] = array[ hole / 2 ];
array[ hole ] = x;

private void enlargeArray( int newSize )
AnyType [] old = array;
array = (AnyType []) new Comparable[ newSize ];
for( int i = 0; i < old.length; i++ )
array[ i ] = old[ i ];

* Find the smallest item in the priority queue.
* @return the smallest item, or throw an UnderflowException if empty.
public AnyType findMin( )
if( isEmpty( ) )
throw new UnderflowException( );
return array[ 1 ];

* Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
* @return the smallest item, or throw an UnderflowException if empty.
public AnyType deleteMin( )
if( isEmpty( ) )
throw new UnderflowException( );

AnyType minItem = findMin( );
array[ 1 ] = array[ currentSize-- ];
percolateDown( 1 );

return minItem;

* Establish heap order property from an arbitrary
* arrangement of items. Runs in linear time.
private void buildHeap( )
for( int i = currentSize / 2; i > 0; i-- )
percolateDown( i );

* Test if the priority queue is logically empty.
* @return true if empty, false otherwise.
public boolean isEmpty( )
return currentSize == 0;

* Make the priority queue logically empty.
public boolean delete (AnyType x ) {
public void makeEmpty( )
currentSize = 0;

private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;

private int currentSize; // Number of elements in heap
private AnyType [ ] array; // The heap array

* Internal method to percolate down in the heap.
* @param hole the index at which the percolate begins.
private void percolateDown( int hole )
int child;
AnyType tmp = array[ hole ];

for( ; hole * 2 <= currentSize; hole = child )
child = hole * 2;
if( child != currentSize &&
array[ child + 1 ].compareTo( array[ child ] ) < 0 )
if( array[ child ].compareTo( tmp ) < 0 )
array[ hole ] = array[ child ];
array[ hole ] = tmp;

// Test program
public static void main( String [ ] args )
int numItems = 10000;
BinaryHeap<Integer> h = new BinaryHeap<Integer>( );
int i = 37;

for( i = 37; i != 0; i = ( i + 37 ) % numItems )
h.insert( i );
for( i = 1; i < numItems; i++ )
if( h.deleteMin( ) != i )
System.out.println( "Oops! " + i );
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