I am a begginer in vb.net. Actually i am having problems to do my homework. I will be posting both the question and my answer.
Create a small program that allows you to enter a number. If the number is greater than 100, you will see the "You win a lucky prize" statement in a message box. Else if the number is less that 100, the message box displays “Better luck next time”.
Private Sub TxtNum_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TxtNum.TextChanged
Dim Num As Integer
If Num > 100 Then
MsgBox("You win a lucky prize")
ElseIf Num < 100 Then
MsgBox("Better luck next time")
End If
End Sub
End Class
My problem
When i debug the database my form appears but however when i enter a number lets say zero in the textbox the following message is displayed "Better Luck next time". The textbox is not working for two digit numbers or three digit numbers. And neither is the condition if (Num > 100) working. Can u plz explain as to what is wrong in my code.