I'm creating a new class called album which is supposed to make an album and show pictures with caption. so.. Ok my problem is the methods section... i need help to set the array in the picture album and set the captions too can any one please help me out ? the methods part is a head ache
/** this is a class that represents an album of images with their associated captions.
public class Album {
/////////////////////////// Fields //////////////////////////////
* The file name associated with the Album class
private String albumName;
* The double array for picture Image
private Picture[] picArray;
* an Array of type String to hold up captions corresponding to each picture in the pictureImageArray.
private String[] pictureCaptionArray;
////////////////////////// Constructors /////////////////////////
* constructor with no argument.
public Album() {
* constructor with one argument
public Album(String MySummerVacations) {
this.albumName = MySummerVacations;
////////////////////////// Methods /////////////////////////////
* sets the album's name
public void setalbumName(String MySummerVacations)
{ this.albumName = MySummerVacations; }
* returns the album's name string.
public String getalbumName()
{ return albumName; }
* sets the array of the pictures in the album.
public void setPictures(Picture[] picArray)
{ this.albumName setPictures; }
public void setCaptions(String[] captionsArray)
{ this.captions = captions; }
public void showAlbum()
{ this.Pictureshow(); }