I have a problem with this code given below when i compile it without pointers it easily runs i want to run it by using pointer it gives me erro can any body runs the programme with pointers.

when i compile this without pointer it runs

void length(char st1[],int i)
cout<<endl<<"length of string st1 is ="<<i;
void main()
{ int i;
char st1[15];//,st2[15],st3[15],st4[15];
cout<<"Enter 1 strings :";
gets( st1);
cout<<"string is :"<<st1;

when i use pointer it no runs

void length(char *st1[],int *i)
* i=strlen(*st1);
cout<<endl<<"length of string st1 is ="<<*i;
void main()
{ int i;
char st1[15];//,st2[15],st3[15],st4[15];
cout<<"Enter 1 strings :";
gets( st1);
cout<<"string is :"<<st1;
length(&st1,&i); //gives only one error in this line

well at the first place i dont undstand why u need pointers for doing this , apart from the string (which u need pointer )

well as far as i have guessed u need to print the length of an array.

void length(char *st1[],int *i)
* i=strlen(*st1);
cout<<endl<<"length of string st1 is ="<<*i;

1. strings are passed by reference , its default so no need of explicitly writing the * in front of it

2. in strlen function u have used * ..? its wrong

3.while calling the function in main program u have written

length (&str , &i)

string is string (char array) , the variable hold the base address of the array itself.so u need to pass just str thats it.

i have remodified ur code n it workd now


using namespace std;

void length(char st1[],int *i1)
cout<<endl<<"length of string st1 is ="<<*i1;
int main()
{ int i;
char st1[15];//,st2[15],st3[15],st4[15];
cout<<"Enter 1 strings :";
gets( st1);
cout<<"string is :"<<st1;
length(st1,&i); //gives only one error in this line
return 0;

I think when you declared the char* thing[]; it declared an array OF char*'s (I think, please correct me if I'm wrong :) )

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