I have this program that is supposed to read part numbers from a text file.
101-110, 301-310, 501-510 and put them into a hash table. It will prompt for one of four algorithms to be used and then continue to load the part numbers. Everything seems to be working okay, but it seems to repeat the last part number 510. Is there something that I need to put at the end of the text file to indicate it is the end of file and to stop. Please be nice - I am just a beginner - had to do quite a bit of reading to get this far :confused:
Any suggestions are appreciated.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
//function declaration
int HashAddress (int PartNumber, char Algorithm);
// global variables
int array[41];
int main()
int i = 0;
int max_read = 41;
int amountRead = 0;
int PartNumber, Index;
char Algorithm;
// set array elements to -1
for(i = 0; i < 41; i++)
array[i] = -1;
std::ifstream inputfile("part.txt",std::ios::in |std::ios::binary);
std::cout<<"Could not open file"<<std::endl;
return 1;
// prompt for input from user to choose algorithm
cout<<"Please select Algorithm\n";
cout<<"1. Modulo Division using linear probing \n";
cout<<"2. Modulo Division using key offset \n";
cout<<"3. PsuedoRandom using linear probing \n";
cout<<"4. Rotation using linear probing \n";
cin >> Algorithm;
//this is where we are reading in the information into our array
for(i = 0; i < 41; i++)
// as you read each part number in the file
inputfile >> PartNumber;
// HashAddress function returns array index and it is assigned to variable Index
Index = HashAddress(PartNumber,Algorithm);
// put part number in array
array[Index] = PartNumber;
return 0;
// function HashAddress returns location for hash table
int HashAddress(int PartNumber, char Algorithm)
int Index, count;
int x, y, z;
// use algorithms to hash address
case '1': // first algorithm, Modulo Division with linear probing
Index = PartNumber % 41;
case '2': // second algorithm, Modulo Division with key offset
Index = PartNumber % 41;
case '3': // third algorithm, Psuedorandom with linear probing
Index = (17 * PartNumber + 7) % 41;
case '4': // fourth algorithm, Rotation with linear probing
x = PartNumber % 10;
y = PartNumber / 10;
z = x * 10;
Index = (z+y) % 41;
cout << "Invalid Selection\n"; //invalid choice
cout << "\nPart Number: " << " " << PartNumber << " " << "Index: " << Index;
// check to see if array element is occupied
if(array[Index] < 0)
// array element is available so return the address/location
return Index;
else //collision, part number is already in that spot
count = 0; // use count to stop if table is full
case '1':
Index = (Index + 1) % 41; // % 41 allows for wrap around
case '2':
Index = (PartNumber / 41) % 41;
case '3':
Index = (Index + 1) % 41; // % 41 allows for wrap around
case '4':
Index = (Index + 1) % 41; // % 41 allows for wrap around
cout << "Invalid Selection\n"; //invalid choice
count ++;
} while ((array[Index] > 0) && (count < 41));
if (count == 41)
//print ERROR hash table is full
cout << "Hash table is full. Can not insert part number.";
cout << "\nCollision count:" << " " << count << " "<< "New Index:" << " " << Index;
return Index;