Hey there folks,I've been takinga course in data communications, which for the most part has been completely over my head, but anyway, for a project I need to write an instant messenger program. Prof as very vague about the detais, so I think It can be as simple as possible, meaning just 2 clients contact the server and send strings back and forth. For the most part I have the client side writte, or at least I think I understand it more.
Earlier I wrote a program where the user enters data into several text fields (It's a loan calculator, so the user enters an amount, a length of time and an interest rate) which gets sent to the server, which does the calculations and sends the result back. I think this is a good place to start from, and the gui will be easier to construct, and the server doesn't need to do any calculations, but I'm not sure how to make the server sends the string it recieves to another client.
I guess it actually has to send it to both, so the sender has what they wrote in the text area.
In a nutshell, I need to know how to connect two clients to the same server, and have the server send the data it recieves from one client to the other.
I have very little talent for computer science, so laymen's terms are appreciated. Thanks in advance!