here is my code:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void displayjulianDates(int, int, int, int, int, int);
int main()
//Declare variables
int month1;
int day1;
int year1;
int month2;
int day2;
int year2;
//Gets input from user
cout << "Please enter the first month in the following format: MM " << endl;
cin >> month1;
cout << "Please enter the first day as follows: DD " << endl;
cin >> day1;
cout << "Please enter the first year as follows: YYYY " << endl;
cin >> year1;
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter the second month as follows: MM " << endl;
cin >> month2;
cout << "Please enter the second day as follows: DD " << endl;
cin >> day2;
cout << "Please enter the second year as follows: YYYY " << endl;
cin >> year2;
//Function Call
displayjulianDates (month1, day1, year1, month2, day2, year2);
}//Ends main
//Function that calculates and displays julian dates and difference
void displayjulianDates(int month1, int day1, int year1, int month2, int day2, int year2)
long intRes1;
long intRes2;
long intRes3;
long intRes4;
long intRes5;
long intRes6;
long jdn1;
long jdn2;
long julianDifference;
//Calculates first julian date
intRes1 = ((2 - year1 / 100) + (year1 / 400));
intRes2 = int(365.25 * year1);
intRes3 = int(30.6001 * (month1 + 1));
jdn1 = (intRes1 + intRes2 + intRes3 + day1 + 1720994.5);
//Displays first julian date
cout << "The first Julian Date is " << jdn1 << endl;
//Calculates second julian date
intRes4 = ((2 - year2 / 100) + (year2 / 400));
intRes5 = int(365.25 * year2);
intRes6 = int(30.6001 * (month2 + 1));
jdn2 = (intRes4 + intRes5 + intRes6 + day2 + 1720994.5);
//Displays second julian date
cout << "The second Julian Date is " << jdn2 << endl;
//Calculates julian date difference
julianDifference = jdn2 - jdn1;
//Displays julian difference
cout << "The difference between the julian dates is " << julianDifference << endl;
}//Ends Function
It works fine i have a little problem related to date format code i.e:
I want to allow user to Enter 8 character mamimum and date format should be like this dd/mm/yyyy. 8 characters maximum and 3rd and 6 character is " / "
Any help.