Dear All,

I wrote a program in C# to start the powerpoint slide show using example of .

I wanted to update the content periodically using this C# program when the slide show is running. The content is an excel table.

However, the content does not change. Anyway to do this?


PowerPoint.SlideShowWindows PPTSlideShWin = PPTApp.SlideShowWindows;
while (PPTSlideShWin.Count >= 1)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet WkSheet =
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range range;
range = WkSheet.get_Range("C7", Missing.Value);
range.Value2 = "Hello";


PowerPoint.SlideShowWindow PPTSWW = PPTSlideShWin[1];
PPTSWW.View.GotoSlide(1, MsoTriState.msoTrue);


You need these changes to take place while the presentation is running?

Thats it. Update content while slideshow is running

You need these changes to take place while the presentation is running?

I think it's not applicable.

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