Hi All
I'm a newbie at XSLT and I need help to do the following. I am trying to transform the attached XML so it inserts a blank row whenever the current account number(curACCTNO) does not equal the previous account (preACCTNO) number i.e. group similar rows with the same accno but insert blank row where different.
I think I know what do to once I can get the current and previous values. Getting to those is whats killing me. If anyone can help on this I would really really appreciate it! If I haven't explained properly please let me know.
I currently have the following but not sure how to drill down to the actual value.
Thanks in advance!
<xsl:for-each select="tr">
<xsl:variable name="prevRowPos" select="(position()-1)"/>
<xsl:variable name="currRowPos" select="position()"/>
<col name="UTILNAME" type="str"/>
<col name="SITE_NAME" type="str"/>
<col name="RATECODE1" type="str"/>
<col name="ACCTADR1" type="str"/>
<col name="ACCTCITY" type="str"/>
<col name="ACCTSTATE" type="str"/>
<col name="ACCTZIP" type="str"/>
<col name="FAC_STATUS" type="str"/>
<col name="ACCT_STATUS" type="str"/>
<col name="SERVICE_TERM_DATE" type="date"/>
<col name="ACCTNO" type="str"/>
<col name="COMMODITYID" type="str"/>
<col name="CSMTNPER" type="date"/>
<col name="STARTDATE" type="date"/>
<col name="STOPDATE" type="date"/>
<col name="BILLSRVID" type="int"/>
<col name="MTRNO" type="str"/>
<td>Electric Co</td>
<td>400 RIDGE MALL</td>
<td>Electric Co</td>
<td>400 RIDGE</td>