
I'm using a JTextArea in a JApplet, and having difficulty trying to align the JTextArea on the x, y axis... I've tries setBounds, setAlignmentX & setLocation... Neither seem to work. Plz help!

This is what I have:

public class Testing () {  
  JTextArea TxtArea;
  Container Panel;
  LayoutManager Layout;

  public Testing() extends JApplet {    
    TxtArea = new JTextArea ();
    Layout = new FlowLayout ();
    Panel = getContentPane ();

    TxtArea.setBounds(240, 48, 402, 184);
    TxtArea.setEditable (false);
    TxtArea.setBackground (Color.white);
    TxtArea.setLineWrap (true);
    Panel.setLayout (Layout);
    Panel.add (TxtArea);
  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    TxtArea.setText("HELLO!! :...><><>>>>>><");


Didn't quite help too much... Can someone please just make it aligned on the 1/3 of the page (a bit above center) of the JApplet that is 900x600, Please? I'll Rep++

- Thank you!

Use BorderLayout instead of FlowLayout.

Can someone please do that for me? As I said, I'll Rep++ & mark as solved :)

- Thanks!

I am not judge you but I can think that you have no idea to write java code or you are misleading us.
After all, your code is completely incorrect.

Here is the corrected code.

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Testing extends JApplet {  
  JTextArea TxtArea;
  Container panel;
  LayoutManager Layout;

  public Testing(){    
    TxtArea = new JTextArea ();
    Layout = new BorderLayout ();
    panel = getContentPane ();
    TxtArea.setEditable (false);
    TxtArea.setBackground (Color.white);
    TxtArea.setLineWrap (true);
    panel.setLayout (Layout);
    panel.add (TxtArea);
  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    TxtArea.setText("HELLO!! :...><><>>>>>><");


I know how to add Layout = new BorderLayout (); I meant, set the parameters that make it align on the JApplet..? Thats what I'm having trouble with...



I know how to add Layout = new BorderLayout (); I meant, set the parameters that make it align on the JApplet..? Thats what I'm having trouble with...


It is your code....

public class Testing () {  
  public Testing() extends JApplet {    

NVM, I've solved it by setting the layout to null and then using setBounds.

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