I am having a small problem locating any information on this little problem on the net so I am coming here for help AGAIN.
I have a VB6 project that has a combobox. This is needing to display data from my SQL db. I have it displaying the data fine. But if I have a value already set in the db for this record i want it to display that item.
Unfortunately I am having issues with this. Here is the code I have so far.
Set rsRPh = New ADODB.Recordset
rsRPh.Open "Select RPhID, firstname + ' ' + MI + '. ' + lastname as salerep from rph where IsSales = 1", adoConn
Do While Not rsRPh.EOF
cboSalesRep.AddItem rsRPh!salerep
cboSalesRep.ItemData(cboSalesRep.NewIndex) = rsRPh!RPhID
Set rsRPh = Nothing
If .SalesRep > 0 Then
cboSalesRep.ListIndex = .SalesRep
End If
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.