I am getting the following errors:
unexpected type line 433
operator + cannot be applied to <any>,double line 433
operator + cannot be applied to <nulltype>,double line 433
incompatible types line 433
unexpected type line 441
In the below file. I know its probably something simple, but could use a fresh pair of eyeballs. Thanks in advance!
import javax.swing.*; //Needed for Swing classes
import java.awt.*; //Needed for GUI applications
import java.awt.event.*; //Needed for ActionListener Interface
import java.text.DecimalFormat; //Needed for formatting decimal numbers
//Create a class called TravelExpenses that inherits from JFrame.
public class TravelExpenses extends JFrame
private JPanel panelNorth;
private JLabel messageLabelGreeting;
private JPanel panelCenter;
private JLabel messageLabelNumDays;
private JLabel messageLabelAirfare;
private JLabel messageLabelRental;
private JLabel messageLabelMiles;
private JLabel messageLabelParking;
private JLabel messageLabelTaxi;
private JLabel messageLabelRegistration;
private JLabel messageLabelLodging;
private JTextField numDaysTextField;
private JTextField airfareTextField;
private JTextField rentalTextField;
private JTextField milesTextField;
private JTextField parkingTextField;
private JTextField taxiTextField;
private JTextField registrationTextField;
private JTextField lodgingTextField;
private JPanel panelSouth;
private JButton calcButton;
private final int WINDOW_WIDTH = 500;
private final int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 500;
Constructor +TravelExpenses()
public TravelExpenses()
//Set the title of the window to Travel Expense Calculator.
setTitle("Travel Expense Calculator");
//Set the size of the window using the constants.
//Specify what happens when the close button is clicked.
//Get the content pane of the JFrame and set the layout manager to border layout.
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//Create a greeting label that contains the message “This program will calculate your travel expenses!”
messageLabelGreeting = new JLabel("This program will calculate your travel expenses!");
//Create the north panel.
panelNorth = new JPanel();
//Add the label to the north panel.
//Add north panel to the content frame.
add(panelNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);
//Create labels that direct the user to enter the required information.
messageLabelNumDays = new JLabel("Enter the number of days you traveled:");
messageLabelAirfare = new JLabel("Enter the amount of your airfare, without dollar sign or commas. If none, enter 0:");
messageLabelRental = new JLabel("Enter the daily rate of your rental car, without dollar sign or commas. If none, " +
"enter 0:");
messageLabelMiles = new JLabel("Enter the number of miles you drove daily in your private vehicle. If none, enter 0:");
messageLabelParking = new JLabel("Enter the daily rate of parking fees you paid, without dollar sign or commas. " +
"If none, enter 0:");
messageLabelTaxi = new JLabel("Enter the daily rate of taxi fees you paid, without dollar sign or commas. " +
"If none, enter 0:");
messageLabelRegistration = new JLabel("Enter any seminar or conference registration fees you paid, without dollar " +
"sign or commas. If none, enter 0:");
messageLabelLodging = new JLabel("Enter the per night rate of lodging you paid, without dollar sign or commas:");
//Create text fields to recieve user input.
numDaysTextField = new JTextField(10);
airfareTextField = new JTextField(10);
rentalTextField = new JTextField(10);
milesTextField = new JTextField(10);
parkingTextField = new JTextField(10);
taxiTextField = new JTextField(10);
registrationTextField = new JTextField(10);
lodgingTextField = new JTextField(10);
//Create the center panel.
panelCenter = new JPanel();
//Add all labels and text fields to center panel.
//Add center panel to content frame.
add(panelCenter, BorderLayout.CENTER);
//Create a button with the caption "Calculate".
calcButton = new JButton("Calculate");
//Add button listener that implements action listener for this button.
calcButton.addActionListener(new CalcButtonListener());
//Create the south panel.
panelSouth = new JPanel();
//Add button to the south panel.
//Add south panel to content frame.
add(panelSouth, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
//Display the window.
}//end constructor
//Write a private inner class called CalcButtonListener that implements ActionListener.
CalcButtonListener is an action listener class for the Calculate button.
private class CalcButtonListener implements ActionListener
The actionPerformed method executes when the user clicks the Calculate button.
@param e the event object
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String input; //To hold user input
double numDays; //Number of days traveled. Must be at least 1
double airfare; //Amount of airfare. Must be at least 0
double rentalFees; //Amount of rental car fees. Must be at least 0
double milesDriven; //Amount of miles driven in personal vehicle. Must be at least 0
double parkingFees; //Amount of parking fees. Must be at least 0
double taxiCharges; //Amount of taxi charges. Must be at least 0
double registrationFees; //Amount of conference or seminar registration fees. Must be at least 0
double lodgingCharges; //Amount of lodging charges. Must be at least 1
double totalExpenses; //Total amount of travel expenditures.
double milesDrivenAllowableExpense; //Total amount of gas money allowable to be reimbursed.
double mealsAllowableExpense = 37; //Total amount of meals allowable to be reimbursed.
double parkingAllowableExpense = 10; //Total amount of parking fees allowable to be reimbursed.
double taxiAllowableExpense = 20; //Total amount of taxi fees allowable to be reimbursed.
double lodgingAllowableExpense = 95; //Total amount of lodging fees allowable to be reimbursed.
double totalAllowableExpenses; //Total amount that can be reimbursed.
double expenseDifference; //Difference between travel expenditures and total amount that can be
Get text entered by user in all text fields and convert values to doubles. User will enter 0 if they did not
incur expense. User will not be allowed to enter negative numbers. User must enter a value of > 1 for numDays
and lodgingCharges.
input = numDaysTextField.getText();
numDays = Double.parseDouble(input);
input = airfareTextField.getText();
airfare = Double.parseDouble(input);
input = rentalTextField.getText();
rentalFees = Double.parseDouble(input);
input = milesTextField.getText();
milesDriven = Double.parseDouble(input);
input = parkingTextField.getText();
parkingFees = Double.parseDouble(input);
input = taxiTextField.getText();
taxiCharges = Double.parseDouble(input);
input = registrationTextField.getText();
registrationFees = Double.parseDouble(input);
input = lodgingTextField.getText();
lodgingCharges = Double.parseDouble(input);
//While loop to validate numDays input is greater than 0.
while (numDays <= 0)
//Dialog box to let the user know to try again.
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "The number of days you traveled must be greater than 0! " +
"Try again.");
numDays = Double.parseDouble(input);
}//end while loop
//While loop to validate airfare input is not a negative number.
while (airfare < 0)
//Dialog box to let the user know to try again.
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Airfare cannot be a negative number! Try again.");
airfare = Double.parseDouble(input);
}//end while loop
//While loop to validate rentalFees input is not a negative number.
while (rentalFees < 0)
//Dialog box to let the user know to try again.
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Rental fees cannot be a negative number! Try again.");
rentalFees = Double.parseDouble(input);
}//end while loop
//While loop to validate milesDriven input is not a negative number.
while (milesDriven < 0)
//Dialog box to let the user know to try again.
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "The miles you drove cannot be a negative number! Try again.");
milesDriven = Double.parseDouble(input);
}//end while loop
//While loop to validate parkingFees input is not a negative number.
while (parkingFees < 0)
//Dialog box to let the user know to try again.
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Your parking fee cannot be a negative number! Try again.");
parkingFees = Double.parseDouble(input);
}//end while loop
//While loop to validate taxiCharges input is not a negative number.
while (taxiCharges < 0)
//Dialog box to let the user know to try again.
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Your taxi charges cannot be a negative number! Try again.");
taxiCharges = Double.parseDouble(input);
}//end while loop
//While loop to validate registrationFees input is not a negative number.
while (registrationFees < 0)
//Dialog box to let the user know to try again.
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Your registration fees cannot be a negative number! Try again.");
registrationFees = Double.parseDouble(input);
}//end while loop
//While loop to validate lodgingCharges input is greater than 0.
while (lodgingCharges <= 0)
//Dialog box to let the user know to try again.
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Your lodging fees must be greater than 0! Try again.");
lodgingCharges = Double.parseDouble(input);
}//end while loop
//Calculate totalExpenses.
totalExpenses = (rentalFees + parkingFees + taxiCharges + lodgingCharges)(numDays) + registrationFees +
//Calculate milesDrivenAllowableExpense.
milesDrivenAllowableExpense = milesDriven * .27;
//Calculate totalAllowableExpenses.
totalAllowableExpenses = (milesDrivenAllowableExpense + mealsAllowableExpense + parkingAllowableExpense +
taxiAllowableExpense + lodgingAllowableExpense)(numDays);
//Calculate expenseDifference
expenseDifference = totalAllowableExpenses - totalExpenses;
//Create decimal format object to format output.
DecimalFormat rounder = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
//Display total expenses incurred by the business person and the total allowable expenses for the trip.
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The total expense you incurred is $" + rounder.format(totalExpenses) + "." +
"\n" + "The total reimbursable expense is $" +
rounder.format(totalAllowableExpenses) + ".");
//If totalExpenses is < totalAllowable expenses, display window showing the amount the user saved.
if (totalExpenses < totalAllowableExpenses)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You saved $" + rounder.format(expenseDifference) + "!");
//If expenseDifference is > totalAllowable expenses, display window showing the amount the user owes.
if (totalExpenses > totalAllowableExpenses)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You owe $" + rounder.format(expenseDifference * -1) + "!");
}//end actionPerformed method
}//end CalcButtonListener private inner class
}//end class