Hi guys,
Having difficulty as to how to achieve the following
Have a database with a table with a list of items and their prices
now what i am thinking of doing is to be able to take orders using a datagrid and the datagrid would allow me to enter a item no and it will show its description and prices , then i am able to enter how much i want and it will show total costs etc.....
I am thinking to do this I would need to create a datagrid that only the first two columns are bound to the database? however if thats the case , then i am unable to change anything in the description ??.... as to how to do the calculation an i am still stumped... as these all have to happen inside datagrid with TAB key as the only button . I have looked into making the TAB key as a lostfocus event?
At first I was retrieving data from the database and parsing it into textboxes and then displaying it onto the datagrid separately, however this would be troublesome if i need to go ahead and make changes to the results i have previously...
Wonder if anyone can help me with this
A sample app of what Im thinking is
Item NO ----- Item Description----Unit Price-------QTY------Total Price
123 ------------- Chairs---------------4.50----------2----------- 9.00