I just started reading and learning DirectX SDK's tutorials in order to develop skills for game programming.
I don't know COM very well (i just start learning it). I read lights, materials, mesh and BasicHLSL DirectX9 tutorials (line by line). I know C++ and math (not VERY good math but it's working ). Win32 skills in progress...
I don't now how to move that mesh or do other operations on it because I didn't find something to modify in code (I'm a started in DirectX as I said).
I searched the web but most of it it's the the same tutorials in slightly different forms.
My final point would be to develop an educational game: 2,3 or 4 rooms, a teacher, me as a student moving around, etc.
I know how to use a 3D engine in c# but I don't want this. I want for the future to develop my game programming skills
seriously. A good way would be if I would understand some practical points to start from.
So I need to move that mesh with keyboard and mouse (and probably the camera should be moved with the mesh, too, as in GTA). After that I will try to build a room and walk in it (but stop if I hit a wall). I don't know if I could read *.PAK files in C++
to build the world (some rooms, objects). Hope I was clear. Every help will be appreciated!