Hi Everyone,

I have a datatable with a bunch of options in it, some marked "assignable", so not. I'm trying to dynamically create a radiobuttonlist with all the options listed, but the ones marked as not assignable without an actual radio button. IE, I don't want to gray out the radio button, I don't want it to appear at all, but still have the text appear as it would normally.

So far I haven't found a way to programmatically hide just radio button itself. Any ideas?

Shall I know which application? - web or desktop.

>I have a datatable with a bunch of options in it, some marked "assignable", so not.

Use select statement to fetch those rows from the table marked "assignable".

Shall I know which application? - web or desktop.

>I have a datatable with a bunch of options in it, some marked "assignable", so not.

Use select statement to fetch those rows from the table marked "assignable".

Web application. Using a select statement to limit my data isn't my intended goal though. I *want* to return all data, but only show a radio button next to those that can be selected.

Basically I have a nested hierarchy of categories like:

---Subcat 1
---Subcat 2
---Subcat 1
------Subcat 1a
------Subcat 1b
---Subcat 2

And if I category has children, I don't want it to be assignable; a user must 'drill' down to the lowest possible level in a category.

You should post this question at ASP.NET forum. Add a new column of type bool into your datatable and bind it with visible property of radio button control. If concern row in a table is true then the control will be displayed...

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