PinoyDev -3 Posting Whiz in Training

Good day.!

I am getting stuck with parsing my xml data in order for me to display it on a listview. The xml data to be parsed is not constant. The the <NumRows> is changing. I need .bas or any other function in VB6 that will parse the xml and display the data in the listview base on <ReportData> contents. The <TitleRow> of the xml data will be the header of the listview and the data of this row will have the <value> of the colID equal to the colID of the Header or the <titileRow> and the <ReportData>.Below is the sample xml with a file named sample.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
- <QBXMLMsgsRs>
- <GeneralDetailReportQueryRs requestID="0" statusCode="0" statusSeverity="Info" statusMessage="Status OK">
- <ReportRet>
  <ReportTitle>Customer Balance Detail</ReportTitle> 
  <ReportSubtitle>All Transactions</ReportSubtitle> 
- <ColDesc colID="1" dataType="STRTYPE">
  <ColTitle titleRow="1" /> 
- <ColDesc colID="2" dataType="DATETYPE">
  <ColTitle titleRow="1" value="Date" /> 
- <ColDesc colID="3" dataType="STRTYPE">
  <ColTitle titleRow="1" value="Memo" /> 
- <ColDesc colID="4" dataType="STRTYPE">
  <ColTitle titleRow="1" value="Num" /> 
- <ColDesc colID="5" dataType="INTTYPE">
  <ColTitle titleRow="1" value="Trans #" /> 
- <ColDesc colID="6" dataType="AMTTYPE">
  <ColTitle titleRow="1" value="Debit" /> 
- <ColDesc colID="7" dataType="AMTTYPE">
  <ColTitle titleRow="1" value="Credit" /> 
- <ColDesc colID="8" dataType="AMTTYPE">
  <ColTitle titleRow="1" value="Balance" /> 
- <ReportData>
  <TextRow rowNumber="1" value="Piamonte, Rodrigo Jr." /> 
- <DataRow rowNumber="2">
  <RowData rowType="name" value="Piamonte, Rodrigo Jr." /> 
  <ColData colID="2" value="2009-04-03" /> 
  <ColData colID="3" value="# or 18756" /> 
  <ColData colID="5" value="33885" /> 
  <ColData colID="7" value="8.00" /> 
  <ColData colID="8" value="8.00" /> 
- <DataRow rowNumber="3">
  <RowData rowType="name" value="Piamonte, Rodrigo Jr." /> 
  <ColData colID="2" value="2009-04-07" /> 
  <ColData colID="4" value="1141" /> 
  <ColData colID="5" value="33944" /> 
  <ColData colID="6" value="2500.00" /> 
  <ColData colID="8" value="-2492.00" /> 
- <DataRow rowNumber="4">
  <RowData rowType="name" value="Piamonte, Rodrigo Jr." /> 
  <ColData colID="2" value="2009-04-08" /> 
  <ColData colID="3" value="swf 114w" /> 
  <ColData colID="4" value="1142" /> 
  <ColData colID="5" value="33947" /> 
  <ColData colID="6" value="2000.00" /> 
  <ColData colID="8" value="-4492.00" /> 

Aby help will be greatly appreciated. God bless us and Thank you for your time.

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