Intrade 33 Junior Poster

I'm trying to figure out how to merge to full, complete binary heaps if their heights differ by more than 1.

For example, a heap with 7 elements merged with a heap with 31 elements, etc.

Here's my Java Code for the problem. I can't quite figure out what I'm supposed to do. I made a theory but I'm not sure, even after doing some research. And we were told that changing the internal structure before merging counts against our runtime.

 * Answer to problema 21.17 a, b and c
 * Insertion and Deletion take slightly more time than a normal array-based
 * binary heap, however merging of two full/complete heaps can be done in
 * better timing than array-based ones.
 * @author Intrade
public class ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<T extends Comparable<? super T>>{

	public static void main(String... args){

		ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer> elbh = new ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer>();
		ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer> elbh2 = new ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer>();

		final java.util.Random rgen = new java.util.Random();

		for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++){
			elbh.add(rgen.nextInt(40) + 5);
			elbh2.add(rgen.nextInt(99) + 50);

		ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer> mergedTreeA = mergeA(elbh, elbh2/*, 1*/);
		System.out.println("\nThe result of these two trees merged via method a is...\n");

		elbh = new ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer>();
		elbh2 = new ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer>();

		for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++){
			elbh.add(rgen.nextInt(40) + 5);

			if(i % 2 == 1)
				elbh2.add(rgen.nextInt(99) + 50);

		ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer> mergedTreeB = mergeB(elbh, elbh2/*, 1*/);
		System.out.println("\nThe result of these two trees merged via method b is...\n");

		elbh = new ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer>();
		elbh2 = new ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer>();

		for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
			elbh.add(rgen.nextInt(40) + 5);

		for(int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
			elbh2.add(rgen.nextInt(99) + 50);

		ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<Integer> mergedTreeC = mergeC(elbh, elbh2/*, 1*/);
		System.out.println("\nThe result of these two trees merged via method c is...\n");


	// A class to help us with the internal structuring
	private class Node implements Comparable< Node >{

		Node leftNode, rightNode, parentNode;
		T value;

		public Node(T value){
			this.value = value;

		public Node(T value, Node parent){
			this.parentNode = parent;

		public int compareTo(Node other){
			return value.compareTo(other.value);

		 * Returns the toString() of the value this Node holds
		public String toString(){
			return "[ " + value.toString() + " ]";

	private enum Direction{

	private Node root = null; // the root
	private int nodeCount; // how many elements are in the heap

	 * Constructs the binary heap
	public ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap(){
		nodeCount = 0;

	 * Problem 21.17a, merging two heaps in O(logN) time when they have the same amount of nodes,
	 * and are full, complete binary heaps (full/complete requirements are needed for these kind
	 * of merges)
	 * Returns the merged result-tree of lhs and rhs
	 * Assumption: If the two trees are equal in structure/size and height, then we can merge the
	 * two by simply adding a dummy node as the root, and delete it from the tree.
	public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E>
		mergeA(ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E> lhs, ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E> rhs/*, E dummyValue*/){

		ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E> resultTree = new ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E>();

		resultTree.nodeCount += lhs.nodeCount + rhs.nodeCount; // to ensure operations work properly during deletion
		resultTree.root.leftNode = lhs.root;
		resultTree.root.rightNode = rhs.root;

		resultTree.removeMin(); // O(logN)
		return resultTree;

	 * Problem 21.17b, merging two heaps in O(logN) time when they have differing heights (by 1)
	 * Returns the merged result-tree of lhs and rhs
	 * Assumption: This time we can't simply just make a dummy node and delete. Now we have to consider
	 * which tree is the larger one, swap the value of the dummy with the largest-tree's root value
	 * then percolate down the larger tree
	public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E>
		mergeB(ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E> lhs, ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E> rhs/*, E dummyValue*/){

		ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E> resultTree = new ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E>();

		resultTree.add(lhs.getMin()/*dummyValue*/); // the tree is empty, so this is O(1)
		resultTree.nodeCount += lhs.nodeCount + rhs.nodeCount; // to ensure operations work properly during deletion

		if( !(rhs.nodeCount > lhs.nodeCount) ){
			resultTree.root.leftNode = lhs.root;
			resultTree.root.rightNode = rhs.root;
			resultTree.root.leftNode = rhs.root;
			resultTree.root.rightNode = lhs.root;

		E elem = resultTree.root.value;
		resultTree.root.value = resultTree.root.leftNode.value;
		resultTree.root.leftNode.value = elem;

		E fake = (rhs.nodeCount > lhs.nodeCount) ? rhs.removeMin() : lhs.removeMin(); // O(logN)
		resultTree.percolateDown(resultTree.root); // O(logN)

		// O(logN + logN), or O(2logN) which is close enough to O(logN), though we can probably
		// do better...

		return resultTree;

	 * Problem 21.17c, merging two heaps in O(log^2(N)) time when they have any differing height
	 * Returns the merged result-tree of lhs and rhs
	 * Assumption: I honestly don't know, even after considering the merge algorithm from
	 * Assumption 2: It may be possible to, somehow, implement this algorithm in O(log^2(N))
	 * if the data structure was a heap linkedlist? Concatenate the structures and percolate
	 * down each node? Easier said than done obviously, because the concatenation would have
	 * to take little time...
	public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E>
		mergeC(ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E> lhs, ExplicitLinkBinaryHeap<E> rhs){

			if(lhs.nodeCount == rhs.nodeCount){
				return mergeA(lhs, rhs);
			}else if( ((lhs.nodeCount * 2) + 1) == rhs.nodeCount ||
				((lhs.nodeCount - 1)/2) == rhs.nodeCount ){
				return mergeB(lhs, rhs);

				// Probably O(NlogN), not sure.. it depends on what we consider to be N
				if(lhs.nodeCount < rhs.nodeCount){
					while(lhs.getMin() != null) rhs.add(lhs.removeMin());
					return rhs;
					while(rhs.getMin() != null) lhs.add(rhs.removeMin());
					return lhs;

	 * Adds an item to this BinaryHeap. This BinaryHeap does not negate repeats
	 * This binary heap does not accept null values
	public boolean add(T x){
		if(x != null){
			if(root == null){
				root = new Node(x);
				Node parent = getNode( (nodeCount - 1)/2 );

				Node xNode = (parent.leftNode == null) ?
				(parent.leftNode = new Node(x)) :
				(parent.rightNode = new Node(x));

				xNode.parentNode = parent;

				Node temp = xNode;

					// if the parent isn't null and if the node added is less than its parent
					// we need to recursively push the value
					while(temp.parentNode != null && temp.compareTo(temp.parentNode) < 0){

						// standard swap
							T elem = temp.value;
							temp.value = temp.parentNode.value;
							temp.parentNode.value = elem;

						temp = temp.parentNode;
				}catch(Exception e){} // filtering null reads
			return true;
		}else return false;

	 * Gets the minimum value from this tree, without removing it
	public T getMin(){
		return (root != null) ? root.value : null;

	 * Removes the minimum value from this binary heap
	 * does nothing and returns null if the root is null
	public T removeMin(){

		if(root != null){
			T value = root.value;

			Node lastNode = getNode(nodeCount - 1); // gets the last node
			root.value = lastNode.value; // assigning the root with the last node's value

			//perc the root

			// remove the last node from the tree if it has a parent
			if(lastNode.parentNode != null){
				if(lastNode.parentNode.rightNode != null)
					lastNode.parentNode.rightNode = null;
				else lastNode.parentNode.leftNode = null;
			}else root = null; // is the root if no parent exists

			return value;
		}else return null;

	 * Percs the value down the heap until it finds a suitable "stop"
	private void percolateDown(Node holeRoot){

		// if there is a child node to, potentially trade values with, we can percolate down
		if(holeRoot.leftNode != null || holeRoot.rightNode != null){

			// only left node should exist
			if(holeRoot.rightNode == null){

				if(holeRoot.leftNode.compareTo(holeRoot) < 0){ // if the left node is smaller than the node

					// perform a swap and perc the leftNode
						T t = holeRoot.value;
						holeRoot.value = holeRoot.leftNode.value;
						holeRoot.leftNode.value = t;


				// get the minimum
				Node minNode = (holeRoot.leftNode.compareTo(holeRoot.rightNode) <= 0) ?
				holeRoot.leftNode : holeRoot.rightNode;

				if(minNode.compareTo(holeRoot) < 0){ // if the min node is smaller than the node

					// perform a swap and perc the minNode
						T t = holeRoot.value;
						holeRoot.value = minNode.value;
						minNode.value = t;
		}else return;

	 * Gets the node if it exists
	protected Node getNode(int index){

		// the node cant exist if this is true
		if(index < 0 || index > nodeCount - 1)
			return null;
		else if(index == 0)
			return root;
			Node temp = root;

			// a path that tells us where to go - its size depends on how many elements are in the tree
			// a back-tracking technique
			Direction path[] = new Direction[  (int)(Math.log(index + 1)/Math.log(2))  ];

			for(int i = path.length - 1, j = index; i >= 0; i--){

				if( j % 2 == 1 ){ // if an odd number
					path[i] = Direction.LEFT;
					j = (j - 1)/2;
				}else{ // if an even number
					path[i] = Direction.RIGHT;
					j = (j - 2)/2;

			// now to unwind the backtracked path and use it to traverse the tree
			for(Direction element : path)
					temp = (element == Direction.LEFT) ? temp.leftNode : temp.rightNode;

			return temp;

	 * Recursively traverses the nodes, storing its contents
	 * and its children's contents if they aren't null
	private String nodeValue(Node x, String tabValue){

		String result = "";

		if(x.rightNode != null)
			result += nodeValue(x.rightNode, tabValue + "\t") + "\n";

		result += tabValue + x/*.value*/ + "\n";

		if(x.leftNode != null)
			result += nodeValue(x.leftNode, tabValue + "\t") + "\n";

		return result;

	 * Prints out the internal structure of this Heap
	public String toString(){
		if(root != null)
			return nodeValue(root, "");
		else return "";