Soporose 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all.

I'm struggling to come to grips with parsing an XML file because I need to implement a very simple example of the Namecheap API.

The API requires me to submit a very long URL (see the variable 'filepath' in my example code further down). When I drop the URL straight into Firefox it returns the following:

<ApiResponse Status="OK">
<CommandResponse Type="">
<DomainCheckResult Domain="" Available="true"/>

And here also is the page source for that display:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ApiResponse Status="OK" xmlns="">
  <Errors />
  <CommandResponse Type="">
    <DomainCheckResult Domain="" Available="true" />

All I need to do is parse that output with server-side code (I'm using Asp) to display the fact that "" is or isn't available for registration. After trying a number of variations, I've finally come up with some code (modified from someone else's example) that executes without errors -- but neither does it give me the required output. Here's my code:

Dim objXML, objItemList, objItem, filepath

filepath =	""&_
			"&ApiUser=billybunter"&_		' This is fake
			"&ApiKey=asdasdgdsgdg"&_		' This is fake
			"&UserName=billybunter"&_		' This is fake
			"&"&_	' This is REAL
			"&ClientIp="&_		' This is fake
			"&"		' This is fake

Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXML.async = False
objXML.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True

If objXML.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then
	Response.Write "Error: " & objXML.parseError.reason
	Response.Write "Line : " & objXML.parseError.line & vbCrLf
	Response.Write "Text : " & Server.HTMLEncode(objXML.parseError.srcText) & vbCrLf
End If

Set objItemList = objXML.getElementsByTagName("DomainCheckResult")

For Each objItem In objItemList
	Response.Write("Item 1 : " & objItem.text & "<br />")
	Response.Write("Item 2 : " & objItem.text & "<br />")
	Response.Write("Item 3 : " & objItem.text & "<br />")

Set objXML = Nothing
Set objItemList = Nothing

I'm reasonably sure I know where I'm going wrong, I just don't know what should be in the "Set objItemList = " line or the For/Next loop. What's shown above is just the most recent of many tries.

Any help much appreciated.