I want to clear the entire contents so that when a different selection is made on one of the checkboxes, only that data is displayed when the calculate button is depressed.

Thanks in advance!!

Here's my code:

Public Class LoanCalc

        Private Sub butCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butCalc.Click
            'This procedure executes when the user clicks the Calculate
            'button to produce a loan payment based on the requirements
            'as stated in the service request.

            'Variable Declarations
            Dim douPrincipal As Double = Me.txtPrincipal.Text
            Dim douInterest() As Double = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75}
            Dim decYears() As Decimal = {7, 15, 30}
            Dim douPayment As Double
            Dim douRemainingBalance As Double
            Dim douInterestPaid As Double
            Dim intNumberPayments As Integer
            Dim intPaymentNumber As Integer

            If Me.CheckBox1.Checked Then

                'set the initial balance to the principal amount
                douRemainingBalance = douPrincipal

                'Calculate the payment
                douPayment = ((douPrincipal * (douInterest(0) / 100) / 12) / (1 - Math.Pow(1 + (douInterest(0) / 100) / 12, -(decYears(0) * 12))))
                intNumberPayments = decYears(0) * 12
                'calculate payment, principal, accruedInterest, remainingbalance
                For intPaymentNumber = 1 To intNumberPayments

                    'Calculates the interest paid with each payment and the remaining balance            
                    douInterestPaid = douRemainingBalance * (douInterest(0) / 100 / 12) 'interest paid for current month is the (remaining balance)*(the monthly interest rate... i.e. the interest rate, as a dec., divided by 12)
                    douRemainingBalance = douRemainingBalance - (douPayment - douInterestPaid) ' subtract the princial payment portion of the monthly payment amount from the remaining balance

                    'Append data to the dataGridView 
                    DataGridView1.Rows.Add(intPaymentNumber, FormatCurrency(douPayment, 2), FormatCurrency(douPrincipal, 2), FormatCurrency(douInterestPaid, 2), FormatCurrency(douRemainingBalance, 2))


            ElseIf Me.CheckBox2.Checked Then

                'set the initial balance to the principal amount
                douRemainingBalance = douPrincipal

                'Calculate the payment
                douPayment = ((douPrincipal * (douInterest(1) / 100) / 12) / (1 - Math.Pow(1 + (douInterest(1) / 100) / 12, -(decYears(1) * 12))))
                intNumberPayments = decYears(1) * 12
                'calculate payment, principal, accruedInterest, remainingbalance
                For intPaymentNumber = 1 To intNumberPayments

                    'Calculates the interest paid with each payment and the remaining balance            
                    douInterestPaid = douRemainingBalance * (douInterest(1) / 100 / 12) 'interest paid for current month is the (remaining balance)*(the monthly interest rate... i.e. the interest rate, as a dec., divided by 12)
                    douRemainingBalance = douRemainingBalance - (douPayment - douInterestPaid) ' subtract the princial payment portion of the monthly payment amount from the remaining balance

                    'Append data to the dataGridView 
                    DataGridView1.Rows.Add(intPaymentNumber, FormatCurrency(douPayment, 2), FormatCurrency(douPrincipal, 2), FormatCurrency(douInterestPaid, 2), FormatCurrency(douRemainingBalance, 2))

            ElseIf Me.CheckBox3.Checked Then
                'set the initial balance to the principal amount
                douRemainingBalance = douPrincipal

                'Calculate the payment
                douPayment = ((douPrincipal * (douInterest(2) / 100) / 12) / (1 - Math.Pow(1 + (douInterest(2) / 100) / 12, -(decYears(2) * 12))))
                intNumberPayments = decYears(2) * 12
                'calculate payment, principal, accruedInterest, remainingbalance
                For intPaymentNumber = 1 To intNumberPayments

                    'Calculates the interest paid with each payment and the remaining balance            
                    douInterestPaid = douRemainingBalance * (douInterest(2) / 100 / 12) 'interest paid for current month is the (remaining balance)*(the monthly interest rate... i.e. the interest rate, as a dec., divided by 12)
                    douRemainingBalance = douRemainingBalance - (douPayment - douInterestPaid) ' subtract the princial payment portion of the monthly payment amount from the remaining balance

                    'Append data to the dataGridView 
                    DataGridView1.Rows.Add(intPaymentNumber, FormatCurrency(douPayment, 2), FormatCurrency(douPrincipal, 2), FormatCurrency(douInterestPaid, 2), FormatCurrency(douRemainingBalance, 2))

            End If
        End Sub

        Private Sub butEXIT_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butEXIT.Click
            'This procedure exits the program when the user clicks the EXIT button
        End Sub
End Class


This is what I used.

'clear the grid so the information is not appended to the end of each selection

Source program must be surrounded with BB code tags: See # icon at toolbar and also read How to use bb code tags?.

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