I have an application which is about harvesting the data from html pages, contains an interface.
I had implemented it for (like customization of it) some html page to harvest.
But jvm hitting me with -
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - cannot find sy
symbol : class HarvesterConfigurationStub
location: package au.com.allhomes.listing.harvester
at au.com.allhomes.listing.harvester.harness.ListingTestHarness.<clinit>
Could not find the main class: au.com.allhomes.listing.harvester.harness.Listing
TestHarness. Program will exit.
I am not sure why this is happening now, after I am using the command -
java -Xmx512m -cp . au.com.allhomes.listing.harvester
.harness.ListingTestHarness --inputHtml /Harvester/build/classes/sample/data/rse
arch.html --listingType residentialSale --parserConfigImpl au.com.allhomes.listi
ng.harvester.parse.RealEstateCoParserConfiguration --urlConfigFile /Harvester/bu
ild/classes/sample/data/local_url_map.properties --outputXml results-realestate.
xml --pageType listingPage