How do I print a particular label or textbox in visual basic?

By printing, I am referring to the actual hardcopy that comes out of a printer...haha

Thanks for your help.


The simple answer is...

Printer.Print Text1.Text

Good Luck

haha so easy, yet soo sought after.


One more question, if there are multiple printers avaliable how can I select which one to print from?

A couple of ways...

Dim P As Printer

Debug.Print Printer.DeviceName

For Each P In Printers
  Debug.Print P.DeviceName
  If P.DeviceName = "The Name of the printer" Then
    Set Printer = P
    Exit For
  End If
Next P

Debug.Print Printer.DeviceName

or by using the common dialog control

Debug.Print Printer.DeviceName


Debug.Print Printer.DeviceName

Good Luck

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