This seems like a simple task but the microsoft visual c++ 6.0 compiler is giving me a problem with this. Its complaining about the lines where i try to use a passed array such as "fin=0".
Its giving this error for the following code.
"error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type"
void main()
///// data structures for banker's //////////////////
//avaliable resources, actually only one, which is bank's Money.
int r_avaliable;
int curr_allocation[NUM_PROCESSES]; //current allocation of resources (money) to each Process (Client)
int max[NUM_PROCESSES]; //max demand of each process
int need[NUM_PROCESSES]; //remaining resource need of each process
int request[NUM_PROCESSES]; //requests of clients for money.
//used for safety algorithm
int finish[NUM_PROCESSES];
int ret;
ret = safety(r_avaliable, need, finish);
} //end Main ()
int safety (int ava, int nd[], int fin[])
//initialize work to avaliable, using ava so, OK.
//initialize finish[i]= false for all i =1,2,3,etc..
for (int i=0; i<=NUM_PROCESSES; i++)
//find i such that both,
//finish[i]= false and
//Needi <= Work (avaliable)
for (int j=0; j <=NUM_PROCESSES; j++)
//look for an unmarked process
if ((fin[j]==false) && (nd[j] < ava[1]))
//if found
//A = A+Ci
//Ci = 0;
//loop = false
} //end for
return 1;
} //end safety
//function prototypes
bool safety(int , int [NUM_PROCESSES] , int [NUM_PROCESSES]);
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