I'm trying to declare a std::map that is keyed by a char and has a function pointer as a second parameter, these functions would be a member function of my class. But for some odd reason I cannot call the functions when extracted...

So, I have a class A as shown below, it contains a map as well as a function

class A
	map<char, void (A::*)(void)> mapA;
	void func();

Next I have main code that looks like this:

A::A()	// constructor
	// Generate User Options
	mapA['a'] = &A::func;

Now, I try to execute func by extracting it from the map and running the function:

map<char, void (A::*)(void)>::iterator it;
	for ( it=mapA.begin() ; it != mapA.end(); it++ )

I would assume this would launch function "func" as it is stored in the map, but instead it generates the following error message:
error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

It works with static method only.

try the following.

the syntax seems difficult but look it carefully.


the easier way is to create the typedef and assign the return value of m to that, and then call that pointer to member function.

like below.

typedef void (A::*FMemPtr)(void);

map<char, FMemPtr> m;
m['a'] = &A::func;

FMemPtr funcPtr = m['a'];
A obj;

same goes for iterator.

hope this helps

by the way following is also a legal syntax.



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