Hi Guys,
I have hit a wall with a problem that does not allow me to go any further. Here is what I am developing.
Firstly, I am using Spring MVC and Java to develop this small application.
I have a form input screen which populates records to DB. Also, I can search input screen which searches for that record, by passing name input field as parameter. When, this record is found it
displays on jsp page. On the JSP page I have a "Edit" option to edit the details and update these details also.
Up till this point everything has been done.
My problem:
Since, I amend the data fields to be updated, I have a requirement to "Log all the changes that occur on that record.....Company, Address and Name enteties". I suppose the question is how can you guys help me to impliment this peace of requirement on my story?
Your help is much appreciated since I am stuck.
Many thanks,