Is there a way to place widgets on pixel coordinates rather than row, column coordinates in tkinter?
For example, if I'm using grid, if I have a 20x10 Text box at row 0, column 0 and want to place three buttons to the right of the textbox, one button over the next, the only way I can think of is to put all three buttons at r0, c1, then use pady on the second and third buttons so that they are lined up rather than two buttons being invisible because the third covers it. Putting the second button at r1, c1 would put it lower than the text box, rather than next to it.
Am I missing something? Would it be better to add a frame next to the text box and use row, column or pack in that?
Or should I switch to pyqt4 or some other GUI? My code is in python 3.1, so wxPython wouldn't seem to work.