I thought I should take a few days and read some more, and learn a little more. I decided to take a more easier approach. This 'start' of a simple pirate game, which I did not reference anything for once. So its all wrote from what I know, and not someone else. That said, you can critique it now. It is still very early function of what will become the Shipyard. So overhauling is a must.
# Pirates First function.
# Variables set.
gold = 300
price = 0
def Ship():
print 'Welcome to the Shipyard!\n'
print 'Here you can buy new Ships.\n'
Shiplist = {'1)Sloop':'1500$', '2)Schooner':'3500$', '3)Brigantine':'6500$'}
print 'The current Ships avaliable:\n'
print Shiplist
print ' '
print 'To Exit type 4'
print 'Type a number to choose the corrosponding Ship!\n'
choice = input('Enter Number: ')
if choice == 1:
global gold
price = 1500
if gold >= price:
print 'You bought a Sloop!\n'
gold -= price
print'You now have:',
print gold,
print 'Gold'
elif gold < price:
print 'You do not have enough Gold!'
if choice == 2:
global gold
price = 3500
if gold >= price:
print 'You bought a Schooner!'
gold -= price
print 'You now have:',
print gold,
print 'Gold'
elif gold < price:
print 'You do not have enough Gold!'
if choice == 3:
global gold
price = 6500
if gold >= price:
print 'You have bought a Brigantine!'
gold -= price
print 'You now have:',
print gold,
print 'Gold'
elif gold < price:
print 'You do not have enough Gold!'
if choice == 4:
print 'Exit'