i got the program to work without any errors before i started to try to get the sort function to work in the main. function.
I need to get the function call for the sortIndex.cpp to work so i can sort the user output by descending order of profit.
The sort function has 5 arguments and i am getting confused on how to get it to work right.
I also need to get the numbers that print out the Average to have only two places after the decimal. The last problem is getting the columns of numbers in the tables to line up.
The errors im getting are:
G:\CSIS240\LAB 04\main.cpp(115) : error C2660: 'sortIndex' : function does not take 3 parameters i know there are 5 paramaters
G:\CSIS240\LAB 04\sortIndex.cpp(9) : error C2082: redefinition of formal parameter 'k'
Here is my code:
// Output needs to be sorted
// Need to document function arguments and return values
#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
#include <iomanip>
using std::setprecision; // sets numeric output precision
using std::setw;
float boxSurfaceArea(float, float, float);
float calcTotal(float[], int);
float calcAverage (float[], int, int);
float boxCost (int, float);
float boxProfit (float, float);
float boxPrice (int, float, float);
void sortIndex (int[], float [], int, int);
int number = 0;
int main()
const int arraySize = 25;
int i, type, numberOfBoxes = 0, boxType[arraySize];
int index[arraySize];
float length[arraySize], width[arraySize], height[arraySize];
float surfaceArea[arraySize];
float cost[arraySize];
float profit[arraySize];
float price[arraySize];
float hold[arraySize]; //just added
cout << "Enter a box type ( 1 - 4) or 0 to exit: ";
cin >> type;
case 0:
for(i = 0; i < numberOfBoxes; i++)
index[i] = i;
cout << "Type Length Width Height Area Cost Price Profit"<< endl;
for(i = 0; i < numberOfBoxes; i++)
cout << setw(2) << boxType[index[i]]
<< setw(8) << length[index[i]]
<< setw(8) << width[index[i]]
<< setw(8) << height[index[i]]
<< setw(8) << surfaceArea[index[i]]
<< setw(8) << cost[index[i]]
<< setw(8) << price[index[i]]
<< setw(8) << profit[index[i]]
<< endl;
cout << "Totals" // calculates totals for box values
<< setw(28)<< calcTotal(surfaceArea, numberOfBoxes)//area
<< setw(8) << calcTotal(cost, numberOfBoxes) //cost
<< setw(8) << calcTotal(price, numberOfBoxes)//price
<< setw(8) << calcTotal(profit, numberOfBoxes)//profit
<< endl;
cout << "Average" //setprecision( 2 ) // calculates averages for box values
<< setw(28) << calcAverage(surfaceArea, numberOfBoxes, number)//area
<< setw(8) << calcAverage(cost, numberOfBoxes, number) //cost
<< setw(8) << calcAverage(price, numberOfBoxes, number)//price
<< setw(8) << calcAverage(profit, numberOfBoxes, number) //profit
<< endl;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
boxType[numberOfBoxes] = type;
cout << "Enter length: ";
cin >> length[numberOfBoxes];
cout << "Enter width: ";
cin >> width[numberOfBoxes];
cout << "Enter height: ";
cin >> height[numberOfBoxes];
= boxSurfaceArea(length[numberOfBoxes],
=boxCost(boxType[numberOfBoxes], surfaceArea[numberOfBoxes]);
//type //area
=boxPrice(boxType [numberOfBoxes],surfaceArea[numberOfBoxes],cost [numberOfBoxes]);
//type //area
=boxProfit(cost[numberOfBoxes], price[numberOfBoxes]);
sortIndex(profit [numberOfBoxes],hold[numberOfBoxes],number); //to sort by profit
// int n - the number of values ; int k - sort type 1. ascending , 2. descending
cout << "\n\n***Invalid box type***\n" << endl;
} // end switch
number = number+1; // I couldn't figure out any other way to get the average to work
} while (type != 0);
return 0;
// Lab 4 - boxSurfaceArea Function
float boxSurfaceArea(float length, float width, float height) //function for area of box.
float surfaceArea = 2 * ( (length * width)
+ (width * height)
+ (length * height) );
return surfaceArea;
} // end surfaceArea function
// Lab 4 - boxCost Function
//type //area
float boxCost (int type, float surfaceArea)
float cost = 0;
switch (type)
case 1:
cost = (.11 * surfaceArea)//Wood cost
+ (.09 * surfaceArea) //Labor cost
+ (2.25); //Hardware cost
case 2:
cost = (.13 * surfaceArea)//Wood cost
+ (.11 * surfaceArea) //Labor cost
+ (3.15); //Hardware cost
case 3:
cost = (.14 * surfaceArea)//Wood cost
+ (.26 * surfaceArea) //Labor cost
+ (4.00); //Hardware cost
case 4:
cost = (.17 * surfaceArea)//Wood cost
+ (.22 * surfaceArea) //Labor cost
+ (4.95);//Hardware cost
} //type
while (type !=0)
return cost;
} // end Boxcost function
// Lab 4 - boxPrice Function
float boxPrice (int type, float area, float cost) //Function prototype
float price = 0;
switch (type) {
case 1:
price = (cost + (.25 * area));
case 2:
price = (.50 * area) + 5.25;
case 3:
price = cost + (.36 * area) + 7.50;
case 4:
price = cost + (.32 * area) + 6.25;
return price;
} // end boxPrice function
// Lab 4 - Profit Function
float boxProfit (float cost, float price) //Function prototype
float profit = 0;
profit = ( price - cost);
return profit;
} // end boxProfit function
//Function to calculate the average of a list of variables
float calcAverage (float a[], int n, int number)// float a[] - a list of values to total
// int n - number of values
float total = 0;
int numberOfBoxes = 0;
for (int i =0; i < n; i++)
total+= a[i];
float average = (total / (number));
return average;
}//end calcAverage function
// Function to calculate the total of a list of values.
float calcTotal (float a[], int n)
// float a[] - a list of values to total
// int n - number of values
float total = 0;
for (int i =0; i < n; i++)
total+= a[i];
return total;
} // end calcTotal function
// function to sort table of values
void sortIndex (int[], float a[], int n, int k)// int[] - a list of indexes that will be sorted with the sort values.
{ // float [] - the list of values to sort.
// int n - the number of values ; int k - sort type 1. ascending , 2. descending
int m;
int k = 0, number = j;
float hold;
if(number == 2)
//ascending sort
//k temprorary location of array in order swap
for (m = 0; k < n; m++)
for (k = 0; k < n; k++) //
if ( a[k] > a[k+1] )
hold = a[k];
a[k] = a[k+1];
a[k+1] = hold;
} // end if
}//end for
}//end for
if(number == 1)
//descending sort
for (m = 0; k < n; m++)
for (k = 0; k < n; k++) //
if ( a[k] < a[k+1] )
hold = a[k];
a[k] = a[k+1];
a[k+1] = hold;
} // end if
}//end for
} //end for
} //end if num == 1