current code: Response.Redirect("DeviceInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument);

which redirects to a page with a data grid. The argument is passed into a stored proc on a database and the infor is returned in a grid.

What i want, is the same thing, but, open it in a new page.

So something like:

Response.OpenNewDamnPage("DeviceInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument);

but unfortunatly that does not exsist.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Try This

protected void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>'NewPageUrlWithArgument.aspx','_blank');</script>");

This sure will work

If it solves your problem mark the thread as solved.

Use this exactly for your case:

protected void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>'DeviceInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument + "','_blank');</script>");

Dont forget to enclose your code in code tags like this:

[code=C#] Response.OpenNewDamnPage("DeviceInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument);


this will display as

Response.OpenNewDamnPage("DeviceInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument);

Use this exactly for your case:

protected void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>'DeviceInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument + "','_blank');</script>");

I used the following:

if (e.CommandName == "AssetName")
            Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>'UsageInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument + "','_blank');</script>");

I get a new blank page with the correct url!

but if i use:

if (e.CommandName == "AssetName")
            Response.Redirect("UsageInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument);

I get the page reloaded with the data.

So both ways i get the correct url:


but unless i call the responce.redirect it will load blank. For example even if I copy that link into my browser it loads a blank page.

Very very close... any ideas?

Thanks for your help!

I have some new information tha might help.

If i put a control such as a label as long with the gridview the label loads when I used the following:


But the grid which is set up to a sql data source that uses the qurrey string to get data, does not load. So i wonder if the remaining problem is with the datagrid?

well, your problem was to load the page in new window.

Which you did successfully.

Did you use the page_load event of new page. Try to get the value from the query string in the page_load event and then load the gridview in the Page_Load event.

This should probably work . I will sure look over this problem.

Your problem of opening new page from the code behind was solved. So you should mark this thread as solved and start new thread.

well, your problem was to load the page in new window.

Which you did successfully.

Did you use the page_load event of new page. Try to get the value from the query string in the page_load event and then load the gridview in the Page_Load event.

This should probably work . I will sure look over this problem.

Your problem of opening new page from the code behind was solved. So you should mark this thread as solved and start new thread.

You quite right, you did solve the question of this thred :)

Thanks so much! I will mark that you solved it.

I did start a new thred for the remaining question of why it did not load. It is here:

Thanks so much for your help!

very useful information. Thank you so much

**how to print the diameter of an array in c#

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