hello, what I need to do is have the program break when the display goes off the screen and then continue. I'm exploring "break" options but it seems that break wants to use a paramater like value I need to pause after say 30 threads are displayed. Hope someone can help...
import java.text.*;
import java.io.*;
// declares the class
public class MortCalc
public static void main(String[] args)
//declare and construct variables
int LoanAmt, Terms, N;
double Rate;
double r;
double s;
double MPayAmt = 0.00;
double NLoanAmt;
double Mint;
double MPrinc;
DecimalFormat monetary = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.##");
LoanAmt = 200000;
Terms = 30;
Rate = 5.75;
// Calculations
r = Rate / 100 / 12; // is the monthly interest rate calculation
s = 1 + r; // this is adding one onto r to effectively calculate Math.pow
N = 360; // N is used for Number of monthly payments which is 360
MPayAmt = (r / (1 - Math.pow(s,-N))) * LoanAmt; // calculates payment, formula retrieved from http://www.financialone.com/mortgages/mortcalcs
NLoanAmt = (LoanAmt - (MPayAmt - (LoanAmt * r))); // calculates new loan balance amount
System.out.println("McBride Financial Services Mortgage Payment Calculator");
System.out.println("Clients Loan amount: $" + LoanAmt + ".00"); // Displays loan amount
System.out.println("Terms of the Loan: " + Terms + " years"); // Displays length of loan
System.out.println("Interest Rate: " + Rate + "%"); // Display interest rate
System.out.println("Clients Monthly payment amount: " + (monetary.format(MPayAmt) + ".")); // Display Monthly Payment Amount
for (int mpi =1; mpi<=N; mpi++) { // months of payment being decrimented start counter
NLoanAmt = (NLoanAmt - (MPayAmt - (NLoanAmt * r))); //calculates new loan balance amount
Mint = (NLoanAmt * r); // calculates interest for 1 payment
MPrinc = (MPayAmt - (NLoanAmt * r)); // calculates the principle for 1 payment
System.out.println("New balance is: " + (monetary.format(NLoanAmt)) ); // display new balance
System.out.println("Interest paid is " + (monetary.format(Mint)) ); // displays interest paid for this payment
Thread.sleep(100); // makes a thread sleep for 10th of a second
catch (InterruptedException e) // starts it back up