GDICommander 54 Posting Whiz in Training

Hello everyone!

I'm having a bad time trying to find a solution to my problem:

I'm developping a client-server application. On the server side, I am calling a method, Recoit (receive), that calls internally msgrcv(), a UNIX system call for message-passing purposes. The problem is that I always receive a "Arg list too long" error message. According to this site,, the size of the message I passed to Recoit is too small for the real data size of the message. I really don't know how to solve this problem. This is the necessary code to understand the problem. Note that the error is one the first Recoit call in start().

	\brief Cette fonction part le serveur.
void start(int listenPortNb)
	if (listenPortNb == -1)
		std::cout << "You have forget to set a listening port number." << std::endl;

	int basePortNb = 90000000;
	int offsetValue = 0;

	Port connPort(listenPortNb);
	while (true)
		//Réception de la demande de connexion.
		Message connRequest;
		std::cout << "Message size: " << MSG_SIZE << std::endl;
		connPort.Recoit(&connRequest, MSG_SIZE);		//Attente bloquante.

		std::cout << "The server has received " << connRequest.mtype << std::endl;

		//Traitement de la requête de connexion.
		if (connRequest.mtype == CONN_REQUEST)
			//On décide du numéro du port qui sera utilisé.
			int* connPortNb = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
			*connPortNb = basePortNb + offsetValue;		//TODO: Ce sera le thread qui devra libérer la mémoire.
			//Incrémentation de l'offset pour la prochaine connexion.

			//On bâtit le message à retourner au client.
			Message connAnswer;
			connAnswer.mtype = CONN_ANSWER_OK;
			sprintf(, "%d", *connPortNb);

			std::cout << "The builded port number is: " << << std::endl;

			//On retourne au client le nouveau numéro de port dans un message.
			connPort.Envoie(&connAnswer, MSG_SIZE);

			std::cout << "After sending the port number on the queue." << std::endl;

			//On augmente le nombre de connexions.

			//On part le thread qui va gérer les demandes de ce client.
			pthread_t connThread;
			threadVector.push_back(&connThread);		//On garde le thread dans un vector au cas où il faut tout arrêter.
			pthread_create(&connThread, 0, connectionFunc, (void*) connPortNb);
#define BASE_CONN_PORT 99887766

#define MSG_BUF_SIZE 100
#define MSG_SIZE (sizeof(Message) - sizeof(long int))		//Le message moins l'entier qui dit le type.

#define CONN_REQUEST 1
#define CONN_ANSWER_OK 2
#define FILE_SEND 5
#define FILE_END 6

struct Message
        long int mtype;
		long int dataSize;
        char data[MSG_BUF_SIZE];

As you can see, MSG_SIZE is sizeof(Message) - sizeof(long int) to not count the type, so it seems to be ok with the documentation. I saw working examples of messages structures that have other things that a type and a byte array (type + other variables), so I'm out of ideas.