I am doing a program to print out the shortest path between locations. I implemented it using a 2D array for the adjacency matrix.

However, when I run it and input the start and end locations, nothing else happens.

#include <iostream>
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

#define INF UINT_MAX //define INF as infinity value
#define locationCount 9 //define number of locations = 9
#define stack_limit 10000 //stack limit

typedef enum location {changi, punggol, sembawang, woodland, bukitbatok, clementi, outram, kallang, bedok, notExist};

const location first_location = changi;
const location last_location = bedok;

char* name[] = { "changi", "punggol", "sembawang", "woodland", "bukit batok", 
              "clementi", "outram", "kallang", "bedok" };

//Adjacency Matrix
unsigned int weightedGraph[locationCount][locationCount] =
//       ch   pu   sem  wl   bb   cle  out  kll   bed    
        {INF, 19 , INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, INF,  10   },//changi
        {19 , INF, 17 , INF, INF, INF, INF, 17 ,  INF  },//punggol
        {INF, 17 , INF, 5  , INF, INF, INF, 22 ,  INF  },//sembawang
        {INF, INF, 5  , INF, 14 , INF, INF, 24 ,  INF  },//woodland
        {INF, INF, INF, 14 , INF, 5  , INF, 25 ,  INF  },//bukit batok
        {INF, INF, INF, INF, 5  , INF, 10 , 17 ,  INF  },//clementi
        {INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, 10 , INF, 7  ,  14   },//outram
        {INF, 17 ,  22,  24, 25 , 17 , 7  , INF,  10   },//kallang
        {10 , INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, 14,   10,  INF  } //bedok

unsigned int overEst[locationCount];
bool tight[locationCount];
location predecessor[locationCount];

location minNonTight()
         location i, j;
         for(i = first_location; i <= last_location; i+1)
         assert(j <= last_location); 

         j = i;
         for(i+1; i<= last_location; i+1)
               if(!tight[i] && overEst[i] < overEst[j])
                            j = i;      
         return j;

bool successor(int i, int j)
     return (weightedGraph[i][j] != INF && i != j);

void dijkstraAlg(location s)
     location i, j;  
     overEst[s] = 0;
     for(i = first_location; i <= last_location; i+1)
           if(i != s)
                overEst[i] = INF;
           tight[i] = false;
           predecessor[i] = notExist;
     for(int x = 0; x < locationCount; x++)
           j = minNonTight();
           tight[j] = true;
           if(overEst[j] = INF)
           for(i = first_location; i <= last_location; i+1)
                 if(successor(i,j) && !tight[i] && 
                 overEst[j] + weightedGraph[i][j] < overEst[j])
                   overEst[i] = overEst[j] + weightedGraph[i][j];
                   predecessor[i] = j;

/*stack for Djikstra shortest path */

location stack[stack_limit];
unsigned int stackTop;

void push(location l)
     assert(stackTop < stack_limit);
     stack[stackTop] = l;

location pop()
     return stack[stackTop];

bool emptyStack()
     return(stackTop == 0);

void print_shortest_path(location origin, location destination) {

  location v;

  assert(origin != notExist  &&  destination != notExist);


  cout << "The shortest path from " << name[origin] << " to " 
       << name[destination] << " :" <<endl;

  for (v = destination; v != origin; v = predecessor[v])
    if (v == notExist) {
      cout << "Path does not exist" << endl;


  while (!emptyStack()) 
    cout << name[pop()] << endl;


int main()
    int start, end;
    cout << "changi, punggol, sembawang, woodland, bukitbatok, clementi, outram, kallang, bedok" << endl;

    cout << "Enter a starting location: " << endl;
    cin >> start;
    cout << "Enter an ending location: " << endl;
    cin >> end;
    print_shortest_path((location)start, (location)end);


by the way this is my main when I run the program for testing

int main()
    print_shortest_path(changi, bedok);


If this is a duplicate forgive me. I posted but it didn't show up!

This is a mistake! It's in two places in your code!

//         for(i = first_location; i <= last_location; i+1)
         for(i = first_location; i <= last_location; i++)

i+1 is not an expression! Use either i++ or i+= 1

for(i+1; i<= last_location; i+1)
              ^                        ^

Also set 0's as your diagonal when source=destination!

i++ or i+= will not work because the compiler doesnt allow such operations for enum iterations

i++ or i+= will not work because the compiler doesnt allow such operations for enum iterations

what do you mean. Isn't 'i' a int variable declared inside the for loop?

Enum math isn't available so you have to do a work around.

You have to use integers for the loop, but cast it into the enum!

for( int i = first_location; i <= last_location; i++)
         location eLoc = static_cast <location> (i);
         location eLoc = (location) i;

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