
I would like to create a virtual 3D world. I am familiar with SDL and 2d graphics programming. I am experienced with C++ and I know a little Java (I have enough programming experience to learn a language quickly).

I am familiar with the traditional game loop:

Game game;

game.Initialize()  // initialize all variables

while (game.Running())
   game.HandleEvents();  //get input
   game.Update();  //handle movement/time features
   game.Draw();  //redraw screen

game.Close()  //clear surfaces/textures and quit API of choice

Is OpenGL the best option I have for learning 3D programming?

Once I have a small virtual world and a character + camera, I'll worry about networking it, I am more concerned with the actual 3D programming using the API first in a single player environment.

I know there is Direct X, but it is not platform independent.
OpenGL is compatible with many Operating Systems.
I know there is also Java 3D, but I am not sure if that is a dead technology.

Should I go with OpenGL and C++?
Is there a technology I can use (and many online tutorials) in programming 3D graphics in Java?

Your input is appreciated!

I don't think Java 3D is a dead technology. . but I asked a similar question of an enterprise developer, and he said that he thinks OpenGL for Java is better than Java 3D. I've heard that OpenGL with C++ is faster though.

I don't think Java 3D is a dead technology. . but I asked a similar question of an enterprise developer, and he said that he thinks OpenGL for Java is better than Java 3D. I've heard that OpenGL with C++ is faster though.

Ive been having trouble installing OpenGL to be used with Windows 7 64-bit.

I'm not sure what files I need. I was following a tutorial on videotutorialsrock.com, and it told me to install a file named OpenGL2.exe, and when I tried, it told me it was not compatible with 64-bit windows 7.

Could you assist me?

I've never done that before, so I can't help - sorry.

You really shouldn't need to install OpenGL. Your video driver should support it. You should be able to grab the JOGL library and be off and running with OpenGL in Java.

Mentioning the JOGL Library was a great way to point me in the right direction.

I thank you for that. Few more questions before I go on my merry way :)

1. Do most people still use Eclipse as an IDE for Java? (The best?)

2. Is there a definitive website for OpenGL in Java programming?

3. Will I be limited to webapps similar to Runescape when programming OpenGL with Java, or can I make executables that run when installed as well?

1. Do most people still use Eclipse as an IDE for Java? (The best?)

I'm using Netbeans personally. Eclipse is good as well, but I can't speak to what "most" are using. Both are highly functional, so try one or both and stick with the one you prefer.

2. Is there a definitive website for OpenGL in Java programming?

JOGL is just a set of wrappers for the OpenGL library and the function names are as identical as they can make them. You shouldn't have any trouble "translating" the code from any OpenGL site or tutorial. I started out with the NeHe tutorials and the red book. The JOGL user guide has some general getting started info that is specific to JOGL and this link from that page will get you up and running quickly with a basic object framework for using GLDrawable.

3. Will I be limited to webapps similar to Runescape when programming OpenGL with Java, or can I make executables that run when installed as well?

You can create executable jar files that run on the desktop. You are not limited to web apps.

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