I spend 6 to 7 hours each day practicing c++ and visual c++ but end of the day I think I don't have any Test or homework. Please anyone can provide with some site helping with the same. Thanks in advance

Here are some problems. Easy to harder from my stand point.

1) hello world
2) Advance calculator
3) RPG game
4) your own string class
5) your array class
6) single linked list
7) array class using linked list
8) double linked list
9) Praiser
10) ...out of ideas

Printing shapes
a) Draw a square
b) Draw right triangle
c) Draw diamond
d) Draw Christmas tree
e) Draw a diamond inside a square

I) create recursive adding function that returns a multiplication of paramerter a and paramerter b
II) create recursive factorial function (no cheating)
III)create recursive Fibonacci (no cheating )
IV) create recursive string.reverse function, that reverses a char *str, recursively.

This site has some interesting problems that you need to really think about, as they were all part of a competition.

Look under "Problems in Informatics" and then "Problems sign 'S'". You may also find some programming problems under the sign 'I''s, but they mainly have to do with Paint, Excel, or Word. Click "Previous years" on the left to access all problems in the last 6-7 years.


There's an excellent thread right here on Daniweb with C++-practice problems.

I spend 6 to 7 hours each day practicing c++ and visual c++ but end of the day I think I don't have any Test or homework. Please anyone can provide with some site helping with the same. Thanks in advance

Buy the C++ book by Stroustrup and finish all exercizes at the end of each chapter , this will keep you busy for 6 months.

There is another book that requires homework if you will before moving on to the next chapters. I found it challenging for a someone who is learn the language at first. I do not know how advanced you are or how much you know. Addison Wesley's Accelerated C++ has about 8-10 problems and or programs that need to be completed before moving on.

Thanks all u friendz,
really projecteuler.net is an excelent site for c++ programs.
Special thanks to unbeatable0.

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