Hi, i am now want to insert data(fault and visual(bold)) into the table. After done the calculation, i would like to insert the fault and visual value into my table summary. My field name in table summary for fault(fo_ratio) and visual(visual) So below is my coding. How can i save into the database after done the calculation.Thanks.

con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = C:\Documents and Settings\LICHIN\Desktop\mys\YS.mdb"


sql = "SELECT * FROM summary WHERE line = '" & cbLine.Text & "' AND plants = '" & cbPlant.Text & "' AND dates = #" & dtp.Value & " #"
da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con)
da.Fill(ds, "summary")

maxrow = ds.Tables("summary").Rows.Count

If maxrow > 0 Then

MsgBox(cbLine.Text & " -" & dtp.Value & " -" & cbPlant.Text & " already exist")



Dim fault As Double
Dim ng As Integer
Dim input As Integer
Dim visual As Double

ng = Val(txtNg.Text)
input = Val(txtInput.Text)

fault = (ng / input) * 100
visual = 100 - fault

'first table summary

Dim addUser As String = "INSERT INTO summary (line, plants, dates,PartID, PartMD,total_count,ng,total_input) VALUES ( '" & cbLine.Text.ToUpper & "','" & cbPlant.Text.ToUpper & "', #" & dtp.Value & "#, '" & p1.Text & "', '" & p2.Text & "','" & txtCount.Text & "','" & txtNg.Text & "','" & txtInput.Text & "')"
Dim cmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(addUser, con)

MsgBox("Data have been successfully save.")

Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString, , "Addition Error")

End Try

End If

insert the columns in the database
then use update statement to calculate fault and whatever you want

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