so im trying to write this program that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa but im gettin an infinate loop at the menu. i go to select the number that i want and it just displays the menu again, i though i was doin it right?
#include <iostream> //for cin and cout
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
void main()
double C, //Celsius
int choice; //Number for choice
#define cls ("cls") // clear system
#define pause ("pause") // pause system
cout << "Select one the the following options: \n\n";
cout << " 1. Temperature conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius: \n\n"
<< " 2. Temperature conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit: \n\n"
<< " 3. Quit the program now: \n" << endl;
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case '1': cout << "Enter the degrees in Fahrenheit: \n\n";
cin >> F;
C = 5 / 9 * ( F - 32 );
cout << "The conversion is: " << C << endl;
case '2': cout << "Enter the degrees in Celsius: \n\n";
cin >> C;
F = 9 * C / 5 + 32;
cout << "The conversion is: " << F << endl;
case '3': cout << "Program closed" << endl;
while (choice != '3');
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