hello everyone.

ok i got a program (see below i know its long but just copy and paste and it will work),, my only problem is i need to include a search method (i.e. where i enter CDName and it prints out the rest of the details of the CD.)
if neone knows how to do it pleez , pleez help me.

package cdminiproject;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class DatabaseGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener
  // DatabaseGUI class instance variables
  private JTextArea textarea = new JTextArea();
  private JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( textarea );
  private JFileChooser filedlg = null;
  private JPanel statusPanel = new JPanel();
  private JLabel lbStatusPanel = new JLabel();
  private JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();
  private JMenu database = new JMenu( "Database" );
  private JMenu action = new JMenu( "Actions" );
  private JMenuItem loadDB = new JMenuItem( "Load" );
  private JMenuItem saveDB = new JMenuItem( "Save" );
  private JMenuItem addNewCD = new JMenuItem( "Add New CD Entry..." );
  private JMenuItem updateCD = new JMenuItem( "Update CD Information..." );
  private JMenuItem printAllCD = new JMenuItem( "Print All CDs Details" );
  private JMenuItem sortAllCD = new JMenuItem( "Sort By Artist Name" );
  private JMenuItem exit = new JMenuItem( "Exit" );
  private Vector cdVector = new Vector();

  // update cd entry dialog
  private JDialog uptdlg_dialog = new JDialog( this, "Update CD Entry", true );
  private JOptionPane uptdlg_inputCdNamePane = new JOptionPane();
  private JPanel uptdlg_panel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 4, 2, 30, 50 ) );
  private JLabel uptdlg_lbCdName = new JLabel( "Enter CD Name" );
  private JLabel uptdlg_lbArtistName = new JLabel( "Enter Artist Name" );
  private JLabel uptdlg_lbNoOfTracks = new JLabel( "Enter No. of Tracks" );
  private JTextField uptdlg_tfCdName = new JTextField( 100 );
  private JTextField uptdlg_tfArtistName = new JTextField( 100 );
  private JTextField uptdlg_tfNoOfTracks = new JTextField( 3 );
  private JButton uptdlg_btnCancel = new JButton( "Cancel" );
  private JButton uptdlg_btnOK = new JButton( "OK" );
  private int searchedCDIndex = -1;

  public DatabaseGUI()
    Container content = getContentPane();
    BorderLayout borderLayout = new BorderLayout();

    // setting layout of frame
    content.setLayout( borderLayout );

    setTitle( "CD Collection" );
    setBounds( 10, 10, 600, 500 );
    setResizable( false );
    setJMenuBar( menubar );

    // adding text area control
    textarea.setEditable( false );
    textarea.setTabSize( textarea.getTabSize() + 10 );
    content.add( scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );

    // adding status panel
    lbStatusPanel.setText( "Application is ready" );
    lbStatusPanel.setSize( 500, 30 );
    statusPanel.setSize( 500, 50 );
    statusPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder() );
    statusPanel.add( lbStatusPanel );
    content.add( statusPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );

    // add menu items' mnemonics
    action.setMnemonic( 'A' );
    database.setMnemonic( 'D' );
    loadDB.setMnemonic( 'L' );
    saveDB.setMnemonic( 'S' );
    exit.setMnemonic( 'X' );
    addNewCD.setMnemonic( 'N' );
    updateCD.setMnemonic( 'U' );
    printAllCD.setMnemonic( 'P' );
    sortAllCD.setMnemonic( 'R' );

    // add accelerators to menu items
    loadDB.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( 'L', Event.CTRL_MASK ) );
    saveDB.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( 'S', Event.CTRL_MASK ) );
    addNewCD.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( 'N', Event.CTRL_MASK ) );
    updateCD.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( 'U', Event.CTRL_MASK ) );
    printAllCD.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( 'P', Event.CTRL_MASK ) );
    sortAllCD.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( 'R', Event.CTRL_MASK ) );

    // add menu items to menu
    database.add( loadDB );
    database.add( saveDB );
    database.add( exit );
    action.add( addNewCD );
    action.add( updateCD );
    action.add( printAllCD );
    action.add( sortAllCD );

    // add action listener to menu items
    loadDB.addActionListener( this );
    saveDB.addActionListener( this );
    exit.addActionListener( this );
    addNewCD.addActionListener( this );
    updateCD.addActionListener( this );
    printAllCD.addActionListener( this );
    sortAllCD.addActionListener( this );

    // add menu to menubar
    menubar.add( database );
    menubar.add( action );

    setVisible( true );

  public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
      Object source = e.getSource();

      // main events performed from user 
      if( source == loadDB )
      else if( source == saveDB )
      else if( source == exit )
      else if( source == addNewCD )
      else if( source == updateCD )
      else if( source == printAllCD )
      else if( source == sortAllCD )
      else if( source == uptdlg_btnOK )
        CDEntry updatedCD = new CDEntry();
        updatedCD.setCdName( uptdlg_tfCdName.getText() );
        updatedCD.setArtistName( uptdlg_tfArtistName.getText() );
        Integer x = new Integer( uptdlg_tfNoOfTracks.getText() );
        updatedCD.setNoOfTracks( x.intValue() );

        // close dialog

        // replace original cd entry with updatedCD
        cdVector.setElementAt( updatedCD, searchedCDIndex );

        // empty all text fields
        uptdlg_tfCdName.setText( "" );
        uptdlg_tfArtistName.setText( "" );
        uptdlg_tfNoOfTracks.setText( "" );

      else if( source == uptdlg_btnCancel )

  }// actionPerformed

  public int loadDBHandler()
    //filedlg.setCurrentDirectory( JFileChooser.d );
    filedlg = new JFileChooser();
    int result = filedlg.showOpenDialog( this );
    if( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
      return 0;

    CDEntry cd;
    File file = new File( filedlg.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath() );
    System.out.println( file.getAbsolutePath() );
    boolean EOF = false;
    boolean isLoadSuccess = true;

      DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(
          new FileInputStream( file ) );

      while( ! EOF )
          cd = new CDEntry();
          String s = "";

          char ch;
          while( ( ch = stream.readChar() ) != ',' )
            s = s + ch;
          cd.setCdName( s );
          //System.out.println( s );

          s = "";
          while( ( ch = stream.readChar() ) != ',' )
            s = s + ch;
          cd.setArtistName( s );
          //System.out.println( s );

          s = "";
          while( ( ch = stream.readChar() ) != '\n' )
            s = s + ch;
          Integer x = new Integer( s );
          cd.setNoOfTracks( x.intValue() );
          //System.out.println( s );

          //add cd to cdVector
          cdVector.add( cd );
        catch( EOFException e )
          EOF = true;
      }// while
    catch( IOException e )
      System.out.println( e.getMessage() );

    // is load opration success or fail
    if( isLoadSuccess )
      JOptionPane info = new JOptionPane();
      info.showMessageDialog( this, "File Loaded Successfully" );

      // showing message in status panel
      lbStatusPanel.setText( "File has loaded" );
      JOptionPane info = new JOptionPane();
      info.showMessageDialog( this, "File Could not Load Successfully" );

    return 1;
  }// loadDBHandler

  public int saveDBHandler()
    filedlg = new JFileChooser();
    filedlg.setCurrentDirectory( filedlg.getCurrentDirectory() );
    int result = filedlg.showSaveDialog( this );
    if( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
      return 0;

    CDEntry cd;
    File file = new File( filedlg.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath() );
    System.out.println( file.getAbsolutePath() );
    int i;
    boolean isSaveSuccess = true;

      DataOutputStream stream = new DataOutputStream(
        new FileOutputStream( file ) );

      for( i = 0; i < cdVector.size(); i ++ )
        cd = (CDEntry)cdVector.elementAt( i );
        String s;

        s = cd.getCdName();
        s = s + ",";

        s = s + cd.getArtistName();
        s = s + ",";

        Integer x = new Integer( cd.getNoOfTracks() );
        String t = x.toString();
        s = s + t;

        // writing fields of cd separated by ','
        stream.writeChars( s );

        // writunbg end of line character after one record
        stream.writeChar( '\n' );

    catch( IOException e )
      System.out.println( e.getMessage() );

    // is load opration success or fail
    if( isSaveSuccess )
      JOptionPane info = new JOptionPane();
      info.showMessageDialog( this, "File Saved Successfully" );

      // showing message in status panel
      lbStatusPanel.setText( "File has saved" );
      JOptionPane info = new JOptionPane();
      info.showMessageDialog( this, "File Could not Save Successfully" );

    return 1;
  }// saveDBHandler

  public void exitHandler()
    System.exit( 0 );

  public void addNewCDHandler()
    final JDialog dialog = new JDialog( this, "Add New CD Entry", true );
    JPanel panel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 4, 2, 30, 50 ) );
    JLabel lbCdName = new JLabel( "Enter CD Name" );
    JLabel lbArtistName = new JLabel( "Enter Artist Name" );
    JLabel lbNoOfTracks = new JLabel( "Enter No. of Tracks" );
    final JTextField tfCdName = new JTextField( 100 );
    final JTextField tfArtistName = new JTextField( 100 );
    final JTextField tfNoOfTracks = new JTextField( 3 );
    final JButton btnOK = new JButton( "OK" );
    final JButton btnCancel = new JButton( "Cancel" );
    final CDEntry cd = new CDEntry();

    dialog.setBounds( 50, 30, 360, 280 );
    dialog.setResizable( false );
    Container content = dialog.getContentPane();
    content.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );

    panel.add( lbCdName );
    panel.add( tfCdName );
    panel.add( lbArtistName );
    panel.add( tfArtistName );
    panel.add( lbNoOfTracks );
    panel.add( tfNoOfTracks );
    panel.add( btnOK );
    panel.add( btnCancel );

    content.add( panel, BorderLayout.CENTER );

    // if user hit OK button of dialog
    btnOK.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
                                   public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                                     cd.setCdName( tfCdName.getText() );
                                     cd.setArtistName( tfArtistName.getText() );
                                     Integer x = new Integer( tfNoOfTracks.getText() );
                                     cd.setNoOfTracks( x.intValue() );

                                     // close dialog

                                     // add new cd entry to vector
                                     cdVector.add( cd );
                                 } );

    // if user hit Cancel button of dialog
    btnCancel.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
                                   public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                                 } );
    // show dialog
    dialog.setVisible( true );

    // showing message in status panel
    lbStatusPanel.setText( "New entry has added" );

  }// addNewCDHandler

  public void updateCDHandler()
    CDEntry searchedCD = null;
    int i;
    String cdName = "";
    boolean isCdFound = false;

    // get cd name from user
    // that record is to be updated
    uptdlg_inputCdNamePane.setOptionType( uptdlg_inputCdNamePane.OK_OPTION );
    cdName = uptdlg_inputCdNamePane.showInputDialog( "Enter CD Name" );

    // search the cdVector for CD entry
    // having required CD name
    for( i = 0; i < cdVector.size(); i ++ )
      searchedCD = (CDEntry)cdVector.elementAt( i );
      if( (searchedCD.getCdName().compareTo( cdName )) == 0 )
        searchedCDIndex = i;
        isCdFound = true;

    if( ! isCdFound )
      JOptionPane m = new JOptionPane();
      m.showMessageDialog( this, "CD Entry with the given CD name does not exist" );
      // display existing values of CD Entry in dialog
      uptdlg_dialog.setBounds( 50, 30, 360, 280 );
      uptdlg_dialog.setResizable( false );
      Container content = uptdlg_dialog.getContentPane();
      content.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );

      uptdlg_panel.add( uptdlg_lbCdName );
      uptdlg_panel.add( uptdlg_tfCdName );
      uptdlg_panel.add( uptdlg_lbArtistName );
      uptdlg_panel.add( uptdlg_tfArtistName );
      uptdlg_panel.add( uptdlg_lbNoOfTracks );
      uptdlg_panel.add( uptdlg_tfNoOfTracks );
      uptdlg_panel.add( uptdlg_btnOK );
      uptdlg_panel.add( uptdlg_btnCancel );

      content.add( uptdlg_panel, BorderLayout.CENTER );

      // if user hit OK button of dialog
      uptdlg_btnOK.addActionListener( this );

      // if user hit Cancel button of dialog
      uptdlg_btnCancel.addActionListener( this );

      // show dialog
      uptdlg_dialog.setVisible( true );

      // showing message in status panel
      lbStatusPanel.setText( "Entry has updated" );

    }// if-else serchedCd is null

  }// updateCDHandler

  public void printAllCDHandler()
    CDEntry cd;
    int i;

    textarea.setText( "\tDisplaying CDs Information\n" );
    textarea.append( "Artist Name\t" + "CD Name\t" + "No. of Tracks\n\n" );

    for( i = 0; i < cdVector.size(); i ++ )
      cd = (CDEntry)cdVector.elementAt( i );

        textarea.append( cd.getArtistName() + "\t" +
        cd.getCdName() + "\t" +
        cd.getNoOfTracks() + "\n" );
  }// printAllCDHandler

  public void sortAllCDHandler()
    //System.out.println( "i'm in sort" );
    CDEntry curr = null;
    CDEntry next = null;
    CDEntry temp = null;
    int i, j;

    for( i = 0; i < cdVector.size(); i ++ )
      for( j = 0; j < ((cdVector.size() - 1) - i); j ++ )
        curr = (CDEntry)cdVector.elementAt( j );
        next = (CDEntry)cdVector.elementAt( j + 1 );

        if( ((curr.getArtistName()).compareTo( next.getArtistName() )) > 0 )
          temp = next;
          cdVector.setElementAt( curr, j + 1 );
          cdVector.setElementAt( next, j );


    // after sorting refresh screen

  }// sortAllCDHandler

  public class CDEntry
  private String cdName;
  private String artistName;
  private int noOfTracks;

  // constructor
  public CDEntry()
    cdName = null;
    artistName = null;
    noOfTracks = 0;

  public CDEntry( String cdName, String artistName, int noOfTracks )
    this.cdName = cdName;
    this.artistName = artistName;
    this.noOfTracks = noOfTracks;

  // setter and getter methods for instance variables
  void setCdName( String cdName )
    this.cdName = cdName;

  String getCdName()
    return cdName;

  void setArtistName( String artistName )
    this.artistName = artistName;

  String getArtistName()
    return artistName;

  void setNoOfTracks( int noOfTracks )
    this.noOfTracks = noOfTracks;

  int getNoOfTracks()
    return noOfTracks;
public static void main(String[] args)
    DatabaseGUI gui = new DatabaseGUI();

To search the vector you would write

String cdNameToFind = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter CD Name") ;
CDEntry currentCD=null;

for( int i = 0; i < cdVector.size(); i ++ )
currentCD = (CDEntry)(cdVector.elementAt( i ) );
if( currentCD .getCdName().equals( cdNameToFind )) )

if(currentCD == null)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "NOT FOUND!");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, currentCD.getName() + " " +  currentCD.getArtistName() );
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