Hey guys.
This looks like the right place to ask this question. I just started Python, and I'm still getting familiar with syntaxes and such.
Right now, I'm trying to make a program that will make an Isoceles triangle with Turtle module and math module
I really don't know what else syntax to use without getting errors, but this is what i have so far.
import math
import cTurtle
t = cTurtle.Turtle()
side = "math.acos((BaseLength/2)/SideLength))*(180/3.14159265)"
base = "180-(side*2)"
def IsoTriangle(BaseLength,SideLength,myTurtle):
myTurtle.left(base + 90)
myTurtle.left(side + 90)
can anyone help me fixing up the syntaxes? thanks
(the myTurtle.left(side + 90) might not be right, but all I want is just cTurtle to recognizee the formula so when someone puts the right numbers in, it will draw the triangle)
thanks again