
using namespace std;

struct Base{
 virtual void print(){cout << "Base"<< endl;}
struct Derrived : Base{
  void print(){cout << "Derrived"<< endl;}

template< Base* arr,int size = 10>
class Template{
 void print(){arr->print();}
#include "template.h"
int main(){

 Base *b = new Base();
 Derrived *d = new Derrived();
 Template<b>  baseParam;
return 0;

Why does this doesn't compile:

Template<b>  baseParam;

Thank you!

wehat error arer you getting. also when you define a template you would normaly use the syntax

template <typename T, typename C>
class Template

change this :

template< Base* arr,int size = 10>


template<typename Type,int size = 10>
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